Monday, March 04, 2013

The WV Journal News is run by either wimps

or Democrat partisans, and Sen. Manchin is a coward.  And the cover story from the coward's office:
See, it was a miscommunication on the paper's part. "I didn't tell her she couldn't ask I told her he wouldn't answer them," a Manchin spokesperson tells Politico's Reid Epstein.
Distinction without a difference.  And the journalist and editor responsible should have their ass kicked for going along with this.

From the same Insty link where I found the above,
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he has "made clear if the Senate acts on gun control legislation, the House will consider it."
I hope this clown understands what it means if that includes passing the Democrat 'registration by another name' known as universal background check.  It means the Stupid Party can kiss our ass forevermore.  If they can't stand against this crap now, they never will.

Damn.  I didn't know March 1 was National Pig Day.  Wirecutter celebrated in fine manner(this should be SFW, a lot of the rest of his stuff wouldn't be).

Well, hell, if Feral is that threatening I must be a fairly awful sort myself.
(possibly NSFW some places)

From OGAM,

Media Matters throws fit, using, ah, 'selective' facts.

I shall now try to carry a pile of branches around for pickup.  Hoping I don't manage to stick any of them into me.

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