Monday, March 04, 2013

At least the thieving, corrupt bastards are consistent

Remember "You need to be prepared in case of disaster!", which was followed by "People who make these preparations should be considered possible terrorists or supporters!"?

"You need to save for your retirement!", followed by "These people are costing the government money by saving for their retirement, so we need to screw them!"

And that's it for now.  It's nice outside(before the next front arrives), and there's stuff I want to do that involves being outside.


  1. So, what's the book on how long until our faceless overseers go all Argentina on us?

  2. It makes total sense. The ones that are listening to them are the most dangerous.

  3. This is something that would get a lot of otherwise 'Meh' people to start calling. And writing. And visiting, with threats of windows. And lampposts.
