Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Norks have declared war

Which brings two questions to mind:
One is 'Are the clowns in charge up there stupid enough- or confident enough in The Lightbringer's dumbassery- to actually do something?'
Two is 'What the hell's going on up there that they need this badly to distract the populace?'


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Well, for one thing; it's always easier to keep your chattel in control if you are fighting a common enemy. Having der-leader frothing at the mouth during speeches in one thing but having him froth AND try to protect you from der-enemy...that's golden!
    Secondly, sabor rattling enhances your shortcomings. Rattling your sabor, barking up the wrong tree, running around creating dust, lets people think you are doing something. And then when nothing happens; der-leader can claim it was due to HIS strength.
    Oh my..I just had a thought....what if the situation is SSSOOOOO bad up there, all of this is a pre-emptive strike to put down a groundswell of discontent from the hungry hordes!


  2. Keith2:25 PM

    Apparently, in northern China, the authorities keep having round ups of people from North Korea, and they get dumped over the border, only to appear back on the Chinese side a few days or weeks later.

    It might be worth bribing the local Chinese authoritehs to ignore them, there aren't many lights for the last ones out to turn off.

    It's a while since I had a look around that happy little socialist hive on google earth.

    they seem to have lots of hilltop fortifications and a few mig 15s on their air strips (on the few flat bits of ground that they have there).

  3. Keith3:44 AM

    come to think of it,

    The two Koreas have remained at war since the whole thing kicked off in the 50's

    he's not saying anything new

  4. If the people keep slipping across the border into CHINA perhaps it's a sign they're running out of tree bark and edible mud and Lil Kim thought "The Mouse that Roared" was a documentary.
