Friday, March 29, 2013

Sikh sues Californicated;

this could be interesting.
A Sikh man is suing the state of California over its gun laws, arguing they violate his First Amendment rights to practice his religion by barring him from carrying the kind of weapons he says he needs for self-defense.

Gursant Singh Khalsa, a practicing Sikh for 35 years, charges in the lawsuit filed this month that California’s laws banning military-style, semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines violate mainstream Sikh doctinre requiring Sikhs “be at all time fully prepared to defend themselves and others against injustice.”
The one problem I can see offhand?  'to defend themselves and others against injustice' probably scares the crap out of a lot of the politicians involved.

Why are Democrats so violent?
And why do media outlets take so long to note what party he belongs to?

A piece of history that probably makes some people very nervous:
A black man by the name of John Casor became one of Anthony Johnson's indentured servants. Johnson failed to release John Casor after a time, so Casor ran away. Casor plead his case in court, but Johnson convinced the court that Casor had agreed to be Johnson's slave for life. The Virginia court ruled in Johnson's favor in 1654 or 1655, making John Casor America's first officially recognized slave.
Antonio Johnson (who later changed his name to Anthony), a black or black-hispanic mixed man, and his future wife Mary, a black woman, were among the very first non-white and non-Native American people to arrive in America. They came by boat to Virginia in 1619 as indentured servants. Upon their release they were given land and eventually became wealthy enough to take on indentured servants of their own.
Guess who?

Speaking of history that a lot of Democrats really don't like being discussed,

I would only call it a 'moment of zen' if zen includes "Holy SHIT!  Run!"

Why War Should Always be the Politics of Last Resort
And if fought, fought to WIN.  Period.

More history, and some comparisons that are probably making some people scream:
...My friend, Sol, has told me, in exhaustive detail, about his years in Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald. I’ve heard sickening details of ghettos, gas chambers, torture, mass shootings, death marches, starvation, and disease — an endless catalog of human evil and depravity.

But the one topic Sol cannot talk about are the Jewish overseers: the Judenrat, and the Kapos, Jews who collaborated with the Nazis. Of these men and women, Sol just shakes his head in disbelief. The evil of the Nazis is comprehensible for evil is ever present. But the Jews who cooperated in the genocide of their own people is beyond imagination.
The Judenrat and kapos are still with us.

Too many American Jews worship  at the altar of the state. Their religion is not Torah Judaism, but the Democrat party. So closely do they identify with the power of government, they don’t even realize that they are creating the apparatus of a soft tyranny that will enslave their children and their children’s children.

That the B-52 is still flying and mission-capable with this stuff is wonderful; that we're still having to use them, not so much.

I'd like to close with something intelligent and of deep thought, but I'm beat and morning will come early.  So this is as deep as it gets for now.

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