Tuesday, March 05, 2013

"Secretary Kerry, why can't we talk to any of the Benghazi survivors?"

"(because we don't want you to, you fool!)Ahhh, ummm....."

Sometimes it's not just ok, hitting someone is the RIGHT thing to do.
Go read.  It's good.
And, once again, this 'zero tolerance' crap is one of the more idiotic things to take hold in schools(gee, thanks again you socialist assholes).  When a kid defending himself is held equally as guilty as the jerk who started the fight, it's a big problem.

Somewhat connected, when daughter was learning to drive, the Rodney King riots started. Watching some video that included that poor bastard being dragged out of his truck and maimed, I told her to always remember that when driving she was always armed with 'X' horsepower and at least a ton of metal, and "NEVER let someone force you to stop, especially if there's some kind of crowd mess going on."
"What if they get in front of me?"
"What if they won't move?"
"Drive OVER them."
"You could get in trouble for that!"
"You have to be alive and whole to worry about that. Lawyers are cheap in comparison."

1 comment:

  1. There is a website about the riots apparently updated last year, 20 years after. It says about Reginald Denny "that hours after a Ventura County jury found Koon, Powell, Briseno and Wind not guilty on April 29, 1992, millions watched on TV as truck driver Reginald O. Denny was stopped at Florence and Normandie avenues, dragged from his truck and beaten unconscious with a brick, a tire iron and a fire extinguisher. He had more than 90 skull fractures.

    He went through years of therapy, working on his speech and regaining the ability to drive. Now 56, he works as a boat mechanic in Lake Havasu, Ariz., and "he's getting along somewhat," a family member said.
    You don't want to be pinned by cars, so leave space. Drive on the sidewalk if you have to. Body work is cheap compared to speech therapy and repairing 90 skull fractures.
    You have to be whole and alive, as you say.
