Tuesday, March 05, 2013

A re-post: pre-attack indicators and situational awareness (update)

reading Limatunes post reminded me of this, and I dug it up:
Just a gathering of things I've run into over time
From Xavier, this one and this one.

From a place called TDA Training, which I hadn't seen before

From Blue Sheepdog, which I also hadn't seen before
Similar from PoliceOne, with more links

Something from James

I had a link a year or so ago that had some very good information, including pics to illustrate each warning sign, but I can't find it. If I do, I'll add it here. Here it is, thanks to kanigit:
Managing Contacts(pdf document)

And if you've got a good one, let me know in comments and I'll add it, and put this on the sidebar

Added: from Tam, a good way to put it:
 Not that there's anything wrong with hardware per se, but it's good to have some software upgrades, too. You know, so you have the correct drivers installed.


  1. http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2011/07/hardware-and-software.html

    You're welcome. ;)

  2. I don't believe it; I've actually already GOT that one!

    Of course, I have no idea how I originally found it, and it may have been something at your place, so...
