Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Polls Show Plunging Public Support for New Gun Laws

Feinstein & Co.  hardest hit.

Apparently the Corps of Engineers needs a serious kick in the ass.  Or a big-ass budget cut, if they have the time and money to screw with people this way.

"Why, Obamacare will make my insurance cost more!  Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"
We did, moron, you laughed at us.

Why, oh why are the Illegal Mayors so violent?  And criminal?

"Don't you dare filibuster our bill, it would be insensitive!"

I guess Christie decided this made his state look so effing stupid and out of control that he ought to do something.  Speaking of effing stupid and out of control,
There have also been additional developments related to the investigation that was attempted by Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) and the Carney’s Point police. The Moores’ attorney Evan Nappen contacted TheBlaze with an update. On Monday, DCPP informed Shawn Moore that he would not need to open his gun safe for their review…unless he wanted to do that. Additionally, the DCPP worker who allegedly threatened to take away Moore’s children if he did not cooperate with them, has contacted Shawn to tell him that he had passed several checks and once they got responses a couple more, DCPP believes they can close the case within two weeks. If they do complete their work within that time period, the agency will have spent an entire month investigating a single complaint that was filed anonymously.
Note that this is AFTER the clown tried to force entry into their home(no warrant, just demands) and made the threats.  What the eff are the 'several checks', and the 'couple more'?

Hey, Christie, how about saying "There WILL be an investigation"; or would that offend your sensitivities to the other gun bigots?

On to Gov. Howler and just what a friggin' idiot he is:
A Cuomo administration source is flatly denying the governor’s claim that his new anti-gun SAFE Act was carefully drafted, saying the governor himself wasn’t even aware of some provisions when it was hastily enacted into law.
“Much of what’s in the law was drafted by people connected to Mayor Bloomberg and the Brady Center, not by the governor’s staff,” the source said. “That’s why there are so many problems with it.’’

So: Cuomo didn't even know what was in his "Has to be shoved through as an EMERGENCY!" bill; Bloomberg & Co. wrote it; and now Howler Cuomo doesn't want the blame for the mess, and Bloomberg is pissed at having his part in this pointed out.

And Howler isn't the only ass-kissing clown involved:
Meanwhile back in February, in Minnesota, Rep. Alice Hausman, the prime sponsor and ostensible author of HF 241 - the Minnesota "assault weapons" (sic) ban - left the hearings on her own bill and let Heather Martens, a lobbyist from the gun control group Protect Minnesota, explain the bill. Hausman told a reporter later that she really didn't understand her own bill.
She just took what Bloomberg & Co. gave her and threw it in; probably never actually read the damn thing before she put her name on it.

Had a friend ask why I was bitching about the food & drink idiocy of Bloomberg, since I don't live in NYEffing City; this is why, the bastard wants to run ALL our lives.  And far too many politicians are happy to play with him on it.  At least until the blowback starts.

Speaking of blowback, just heard a story on radio about lots of people cancelling hunting trips to Colorado because of the idiot laws just signed into effect.  That's going to hurt.  And it should.

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