Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gonna get interesting in Colorado

Just days after Governor John Hickenlooper signed Colorado's toughest gun-control laws in more than a decade, some sheriffs aredenouncing them as unenforceable, even in a state that has seen two of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history.
“Senate Dems have made it known, ‘Sheriffs, obey or no pay for you,’” said Maketa, one of some 30 state sheriffs who attended public hearings on the gun bills to voice opposition. “The first word that comes to my mind is extortion.”
And why- besides word several other sheriffs have gotten- would he think this?
Democrats say that they will allow a salary bill to raise sheriff pay to go to the floor, but only if seven Republicans, many of whom oppose the pay bill on fiscal grounds, sign on as co-sponsors. So far, that has not happened. Maketa said that is a hurdle that the gun bills did not face.
"None of these gun control bills they passed required any Republican co-sponsors -- but for the sheriff pay bill, [the speaker] required seven Republican co-sponsors to put it up for a vote," Maketa said. "I'm sorry, but that tells the truth right there."
Pretty much, it would seem.

So, people are cancelling hunting trips because of the new laws, and now add in the uncertainty of this: if you accidentally have or do something that violates, will the sheriff throw you in jail or not?  Yeah, I'd likely cancel the trip, too. 

Oh, and all the whining from illegal aliens about how badly they're treated?  Ok, so let's copy Mexico's laws on the subject.  Which include
Article 33 of Mexico’s constitution establishes the right of the president to detain and deport “any foreigner” and prohibits foreigners from participating “in any way” in the political affairs of the country.
So, you're an illegal alien and you showed up at a rally to pressure politicians?  To jail and then back to Mexico you go.
Sounds good to me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big believer in reciprocity, or reciprocal respect. On the personal level, between men and women, husbands and wives, wives and husbands, siblings, coworkers, and at the national level, whether among states or foreign nations. This business of border enforcement being a job Americans won't do but Mexicans will has to stop. Either that or get the name of every Mexican border guard and send them an offer.
