Monday, February 04, 2013

You might remember Howard Good, who thought outing gun owners-

even with incomplete and/or inaccurate records- was just fine, but to dare put up the addresses of the journalists behind it?  Oh, that's disgusting!
"It doesn't move the issue of gun control to the level of intelligent public discussion," he said.

"Instead, it transforms what should be a rational public debate on a contentious issue into ugly gutter fighting."
For the moment, let's ignore that the purpose of the newpaper wasn't 'moving the issue to intelligent discussion', but trying to shame people who own guns.  And made them targets for burglary.

I put up a post about it, and just got this from a ever-popular Anonymous:
Professor Good is now the target of multiple death threats. Your posting a photo of his HOUSE is now linked to this crime and you are now a suspect. Nice going.
I thought I'd elaborate on my response:
Hey, dumbass:
You see a photo in that post?  No?  How about in the linked post at OGAM?  No again?  Oh, but OGAM had a link?


I don't see you displaying any outrage over these squirrels screwing with peoples' lives simply because they may own a gun; or over Good thinking that's just fine.

So piss off.


  1. Professor Good is now the target of multiple death threats. Your posting a photo of his HOUSE is now linked to this crime and you are now a suspect.

    Does anonymous really think that posting a photo of a dude's house makes you a "suspect" in an alleged* death threat?

    There's a reason police don't throw the term "suspect" around lightly (or, hell, even "person of interest") - and "posting a photo of his house" wouldn't rise to the occasion, not with half the gun-related internet in a tizzy about him.

    (* I don't doubt that some moron or multiple morons did send him something that either was or was easily construed as one - but it's still alleged until someone else verifies.)

  2. Much like the politician in Washington(or Oregon?) screaming about being threatened, but refusing to release the 'threats'. And it turned out the police looked at the couple of e-mails in question and said- in very proper manner- "Please don't trouble us with this crap, this isn't a threat."
