Sunday, September 05, 2010

Once more, Israel and Jews in general are supposed to 'make peace'

with this?
A senior Iranian cleric, Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, dismissed the Nazi Holocaust of Jews during World War II as a new "superstition" for the West, media reported on Saturday.

"The Holocaust is nothing but superstition, but Zionists say that people of the world should be forced to accept this," he was quoted as saying by the state news agency IRNA.

"Americans and Westerners are affected by newly appeared superstitions such as the Holocaust," he said according to ISNA news agency.

Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, has also been sentenced to 99 lashes for a photo published of her without a headscarf, according to her son.

In an interview published on the website of the French magazine La Regle du Jeu and the blog Dentelles et Tchador, Mohammadi-Ashtiani's son Sajjad said they learned of the new punishment from released inmates.

A vocal female human rights activist and journalist went on trial in Iran Saturday on charges including "warring against God," which is punishable by death, her lawyer was reported as saying.

Shiva Nazar-Ahari, 26, went on trial "on charges of Moharebeh (warring against God), conspiring and gathering to commit a crime, propaganda against the regime and harming public order," lawyer Mohammad Sharif told ILNA news agency.

For that matter, how's ANYBODY who cares in the least for actual free speech, for individual freedom, supposed to make peace with these bastards?

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