Sunday, September 05, 2010

Couple of odd bits of news

First, you can't even trust the damn hay bales anymore:
Mike Edwards, 62, who played cello for the band for three years, died when the giant bale weighing 50 stone crashed down on top of his van.

Mr Edwards died instantly in the accident after the bale careered down the hill, and flipped over a hedge.

The circular bale is believed to have been in a steeply sloping field beside the road when it somehow rolled and jumped 15ft into traffic
Thanks to Dick for the pointer

Second, proof that most fashion designers are idiots and/or hate women with curves:
But then the reality of the fashion world rises up and smacks us in the face. Last week, 35-year-old actress Christina Hendricks - the curvaceous, wasp-waisted star of hit U.S. TV series Mad Men - was reported as saying she was struggling to find a designer who would dress her for the red carpet at the Emmys.

'Not one designer will loan me a dress,' she told a Scottish newspaper. 'They only lend out a size zero or a size 2. So I'm still struggling for someone to give me a darn dress!'
Apparently putting a dress together for someone with this shape
is either too difficult for the jerks, or else they just don't like curves and would rather make dresses more suitable for skinny twits like Knightley. To further demonstrate this crap,
When I was editor of Marie Claire, I had secured a cover shoot with Liv Tyler. She was the hottest actress on the planet at the time and was easily the most beautiful: feline eyes, perfect milky skin and jet-black hair.

'There is a problem,' my fashion editor said a few days before the shoot. 'Liv is a size 12.'

We approached every designer we could think of, and though they all loved Liv, not one had a dress that would fit.

'She will spoil the line,' one Italian designer told me when I said I wanted to put her in something from his autumn collection. We had to cancel our cover
Like that? "If we make something to fit her, it'll spoil the whole line" my ass. Here's the defense later in the article:
'There is good reason for the small sample sizes. It comes down to business and logistics. The wonderful thing about women is their curves - but the bigger the size, the more curves, and the less easy it is to fit them in a way that's flattering to the clothes, which ultimately you're trying to sell.'
Yeah, you're trying to sell dresses; is there some mystery behind the idea that making this or that actress a dress that looks good on her brings more attention to the designers name? Personally, I get the feeling that a lot of these clowns are offended that all women won't starve or surgery themselves as needed just so they'll fit into what the designer WANTS to make.



  1. Amazingly, women and homosexual men want to look at women that look like teenage boys.

  2. "But face it hubby, I'm really hot..." - YoSaffBridge

    For some reason I get the feeling that the designers are jealous of a woman with curves and only make sub-zero size dresses out of spite.

  3. I'm with Phelps,

    Bunch of bitchy, camp fashion designers who wish they were dressing 14 year old boys...
