Monday, August 30, 2010

When I see "MAN-EATING GIANT SQUID", I expect

to read of Architeuthis Dux reaching into boats and pulling scantily-clad coeds and drunk frat boys to their doom. Instead I get Humboldt squid chomping fishermen- which they've done before- and eating fish- which they've done forever.

They're dangerous, sure, and I wouldn't go in the water with them, but c'mon, guys, giant squid they ain't.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:59 AM

    And here's the money quote.

    The whole, emotion laden, chicken little story was a setup for the last couple of lines:

    "Experts believe they may be taking advantage of warmer waters due to climate change." warming is killing the fishies and is even causing giant squid to attack people!!!!!

    Move along...nothing to see here.
