Monday, August 30, 2010

Just to screw with your peace of mind,

I bring you something that makes me think we need a bit of Charles Napier attitude in our actions in 'Stan.
For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it.

"Having a boy has become a custom for us," Enayatullah, a 42-year-old in Baghlan province, told a Reuters reporter. "Whoever wants to show off should have a boy."

Baghlan province is in the northeast, but Afghans say pedophilia is most prevalent among Pashtun men in the south. The Pashtun are Afghanistan's most important tribe. For centuries, the nation's leaders have been Pashtun.
Sociologists and anthropologists say the problem results from perverse interpretation of Islamic law. Women are simply unapproachable. Afghan men cannot talk to an unrelated woman until after proposing marriage. Before then, they can't even look at a woman, except perhaps her feet. Otherwise she is covered, head to ankle.

"How can you fall in love if you can't see her face," 29-year-old Mohammed Daud told reporters. "We can see the boys, so we can tell which are beautiful."

Even after marriage, many men keep their boys, suggesting a loveless life at home. A favored Afghan expression goes: "Women are for children, boys are for pleasure." Fundamentalist imams, exaggerating a biblical passage on menstruation, teach that women are "unclean" and therefore distasteful. One married man even asked Cardinalli's team "how his wife could become pregnant," her report said. When that was explained, he "reacted with disgust" and asked, "How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean?"

Let's change that wording a bit: "How can you worship a deity who you say made women 'unclean' and then apparently tells you it's just fine to rape kids?" Possibly ending with "you fucking moron?"


  1. Keith7:00 AM

    How to word this without denigrating those who lived a long time ago (some were very good people), people with beards, and those who claim to have had religious knowledge revealed to them?

    What was the claimed reason for burning a community of Seventh Day Adventists in their church in Texas in the early 90s?

    and did anyone involved loose a single days pay for that?

    yet, we, ordinary non .guv mortals risk being put on lists as (insert tag du jour) if we mention that about one billion of the planets population think that a bearded paedophile who lived over 1,000 years ago is a proffit...

    (for any who don't know me, I can spell "Prophet", it is just that I don't believe that creepy, perverse individual was one)

  2. Keith6:38 AM

    Just thinking on:

    The Irish branch of the Roman Catholic church and its daughter churches in the UK and US have rightly been stung for covering up paedophile activities of priests.

    That religion's damned proffit himself was a kiddy fiddler
