Sunday, July 18, 2010

Under the heading of PC Idiocy

we have this:
Instead, what annoyed the inmates were the faces of the foosball players.

They were too western-looking or, in some accounts, they offended some fundamentalist Islamists because of their association with idol worship.

So the U.S. military filed off the faces so that the terror suspects wouldn’t be offended

In local news we have a politician who paid attention to the "You can't search OUR offices!" crap from the House a couple of years ago:
State Rep. Randy Terrill is asking a judge to halt a state grand jury investigation into political corruption allegations.

Terrill claims he cannot be questioned before a state grand jury about legislative activity because of this language in the state constitution: "Senators and Representatives shall, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the Legislature, and in going to and returning from the same, and, for any speech or debate in either House, shall not be questioned in any other place."

Isn't it nice to know what kind of clowns wound up in our public offices?

Ok, this is going to give fodder to conspiracy theorists.

Union thugs being union thugs.

Bleah. Too something for this mess. More later.

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