Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's not just my carbon footprint I don't want to be lectured about

by these people; it's money. Considering what all they're spending of other peoples' money on ANOTHER vacation...

And note, since Insty posted this the paper has taken out the bit on Bo and added a sidebar:
Clarification: Today's story about the arrival of the Obamas said the Obama's dog and one aide arrived on a small jet before the First Family, but there were other occupants on the plane, including several other staffers. The presidential party took two small jets to the Hancock County-Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton because the airport was too small to accommodate the president's usual jet.
My first thought is "Of course there were other staffers on the plane; they're called the 'crew'.
Why no, I do not trust these people to tell the truth, and I don't trust the major media to even ask about it, let alone demand answers; they're still to busy kissing his ass.

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