Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The kind of people Holder's DOJ is protecting

and RWPP dirtbags like Sharpton like to hang around with.
Perhaps Mr. Shabazz is unfamiliar with his own attempts to ‘stir up racial fears,' but in case he has forgotten we'd like to direct you to a video from C-Span (h/t John Simpson) in which he calls out to the crowd in Washington, D.C., to ‘unite against a common enemy' and to defend themselves against the police by: ‘when we see caskets rolling and funerals in the black community ... we will see caskets and funerals in the community of our enemy.'

The video is from an event held in the summer of 2000 called the ‘Redeem the Dream' rally. It was hosted by the Reverend Al Sharpton and includes participation by the NAACP, Rep. John Conyers, New York gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo, and former President of the NAACP and former Democratic Congressman, Kweisi Mfume. The C-Span library contains an entire 4 hour and 36 minute version of the video, so as not to confuse the media of the messages intent. A transcript follows below.
"Who is it that caught and killed Nat Turner?"

Audience: "The Jews!"

"Who is it that controls the Federal Reserve?"

Audience: "The Jews!"

"Who is it that has our entertainers . . . and our athletes in a vise grip?"

Audience: "The Jews!"

"We want to bring on a man who makes the Jews pee in their pants at night . . . my big brother, Dr. Khallid Muhammad!"

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