Friday, June 11, 2010

On the media and the gorgon Helen Thomas

We live in an age where the media seem to conveniently forget that the blockade of Hamasistan is legal and Hamas has declared a war of ultimate destruction against Israel. The media has declared the blockade an impediment to peace and lionized the club-swinging and knife-wielding terrorists aboard the Turkish-flagged Marmara as “peace activists.” Reuters has just been caught again falsifying photos, this time cropping a knife from the hand of a Palestinian terrorist standing over a bleeding Israeli commando, whose blood was also cropped. After all, knives, clubs, and blood don’t go with Reuters’ view of “peace activists.” And much of the media have conveniently forgotten the difference between propaganda and journalism.

So an independent Jewish state trying to adhere to the principles of liberal democracy amid a sea of kingdoms and despots bent on its destruction does not sit well with the UN, the peace and justice crowd, or the mainstream media. In Berkeley, the only city outside the Vatican with its own foreign policy, there is debate about whether to condemn Israel for its actions in stopping the Marmara. There will be no debate over the forty-seven South Korean sailors killed by North Korea, the 140 Muslims gunned down by Chinese riot police, or the everyday violations of human rights in the world of Sharia.

Helen Thomas spoke what a vast number of people think: the Jews should get the hell out of Palestine. After all, those “good people” at the progressive church potlucks believe Jews are going to hell anyway. What difference does it make if they get there a little sooner?

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