Thursday, June 10, 2010

Busy day yesterday, enough so

I forgot to post these. So, last night's stuff this morning:

But is that true? Do they really fear violence by the Tea Party?

No, they do not. How do I know this? I know it because they slander the Tea Party every single day.

And I know exactly what the MFM does when it genuinely fears their precious lives may be in danger from a violent terrorist movement expressly devoted to rolling back the modern secular liberal state.

When they really are afraid, they keep as quiet as churchmice.

When they're all mouthy, tossing out demeaning disses like a rapper with Tourette's and a grudge, this means, then, they're not actually afraid at all.

Which makes them liars, and bullies, and hypocrites, in addition to being what they have already self-confessed to being, cowards

Long pilloried for being soft on illegal immigration, top Democratic officials have concluded there’s only one way they can hope to pass a comprehensive immigration bill:

Talk more like Republicans
As in "Talk more like, but don't actually mean a word of it."

The Defenders of Feminism are currently having hissy fits and attacks of the vapors over Sarah Palin's boobs. Because that's the kind of 'feminists' they are.

What was that line, "If you make less than $250,000, you will not see your taxes go up a penny!" I think. Liar, liar, you bastard.
Just add that to all the other tax increases on EVERYONE.

Skill. Nothing beats it.
The 82-year-old grandfather from York left his rivals trailing in his wake when he led from start to finish to win the opening race of the Isle of Man TT fortnight, one of the biggest events in the sport’s calendar.

Mr Fenwick, from Heworth, York, beat competitors a quarter of his age on his 250cc Ducati, which he first rode 28 years ago. He triumphed in the Pre-TT Classis on the island’s Billown circuit for the third time, having finished runner-up in both of the previous two years

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