Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Now for some more general yelling and What the hell?

I don't think Calderon lecturing us went over real well...
Polls have showed strong support for Arizona's immigration law even in blue states, but I was under the apparent delusion that people were drawing a distinction between illegal aliens from Mexico in the United States and Mexicans in Mexico.

If the commenters responding to this Yahoo! News account of a Mexican teenager begin shot to death by a U.S. Border Patrol Officer are any indication, I was way, way off
Among the reasons,
That Mexican authorities may have been captured on video crossing the border into the U.S. to retrieve the shell casing—perhaps to try to frame the U.S. officer as being inside Mexico by placing the casing on their side of the border—certainly doesn't help issues.
Think maybe?

When you manage to get some Hollywood types showing that unions are often, well, you know, then they've really pushed things.
“We drove by that protest,” Ms. Sackler recalls. “We were on our way to another interview and we jumped out of the van and started filming.” There she discovered that the majority of those protesting the proliferation of charter schools were not even from the neighborhood. They’d come from the Bronx and Queens.

“They all said ‘We’re not allowed to talk to you. We’re just here to support the parents.’” But there were only two parents there, says Ms. Sackler, and both were members of Acorn. And so, “after not a lot of digging,” she discovered that the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) had paid Acorn, the controversial community organizing group, “half a million dollars for the year.” (It cost less to make the film.)

Damn, this must have been, 'amazing' is the word that comes to mind, to find:
An Australian trekker said he has discovered the site of a significant World War II battle in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, complete with the remains of Japanese soldiers right where they fell almost 70 years ago.

Former army Capt. Brian Freeman, an expert on the Kokoda Trail – a 60-mile trek through rugged mountainous country and rainforest of the island – said Monday he was led to the Eora Creek battle site where he found the remains of the soldiers

The jobs growth is so slow, Rosenberg says, that by his calculations "it is going to take years, probably five to seven years, before we recoup the employment (lost) from the Great Recession," he says. Five to seven years? "There's a significant chance," he adds, "that for the first time ever we will go into the next recession without having seen a new peak in employment."
I don't think that's the kind of Change!! that most people were voting for...

That is one fine picture. Note: this pic is fine, some other parts of Theo's place may be somewhat NSFW.

And now I have to take Security Staff(Trainee) to the vet for a procedure. He may be really pissed at me when I pick him up later.

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