Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Among the people needing hanging today,

Well, the Pentagon has launched an intensive investigation of a 22-year-old Army intelligence analyst named Bradley Manning, who claims to have been the source of the video leak earlier this year of the 2007 U.S. helicopter attack that killed two Reuters employees in Iraq.

Now, Philip Shenon writes over at the Daily Beast, Manning claims to have downloaded 260,000 diplomatic cables from U.S. government computer networks containing classified and embarrassing material such as American diplomats' very candid assessments of foreign leaders, mainly in the Middle East
I'm with Confederate Yankee on this.
Oh, and let's not forget the Reuters employees had embedded themselves with the enemy, and died when an airstrike took out a bunch of armed bad guys. You might remember the video, the one Wikileaks edited to make it look like our guys were shooting anything that moved? Thanks, Manning, you bastard.

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