Sunday, May 09, 2010

On what's supposed to be a day of contemplation,

let us contemplate why they Dept. of Justice, headed by 'race coward' Holder, is telling the intelligence community to break the law:
It appears that the Department of Justice is playing politics with the Times Square bombing plot by refusing to brief Senator Kit Bond (R-MO), the Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. During a classified briefing on Thursday members of the intelligence community refused to answer one of Senator Bond's questions, according to Bond "We called the agency of the intelligence community that should have that information, and they advised us that the Department of Justice is running it and they told us they should not share it with the Intelligence Committee." Bond further noted that the stonewalling was directed at him personally, "The Intelligence Community has been told they should not speak to the Vice Chairman of the Intelligence Committee — that's me." Bond suspects politics is behind it, which isn't a stretch given his criticism of the administration's handling of the Christmas Day Bomber, and his comments on Wednesday that Shazad is not entitled to Miranda rights (a bit of a misstatement as, barring some exception, Miranda would be required if prosecutors want to use the fruits of a custodial interrogation against Shazad).

In any case, someone may want to tell AG Holder that absent some reason to believe that Vice Chairman Bond will disclose intelligence without authorization, the intelligence community is legally obligated to keep Congress "fully" and "currently" informed
There follows a bit of legal stuff on that subject; at the end,
...So why is the Department of Justice instructing the intelligence community to not brief Senator Bond? More importantly, why is the Director of National Intelligence complying with such instructions, despite his legal obligation to keep Congress informed? It wasn't that long ago that the main stream media and Congressional Democrats were apoplectic over the fact that President Bush only briefed select members of Congress (the "gang of eight") over our most secretive terrorism surveillance programs. Where is the outrage here when a President and his Justice Department are stonewalling over a plot that seems far less sensitive than a covert surveillance program?
First thought, with this administration, is that they're petty, thin-skinned and vindictive, and they're mad at Bond; and what's the law to them when it gets in their way? Second is, there's some kind of real screwup involved- possibly petty but embarrassing- and they'd rather break the law than let it get out.

To borrow the phrase, We're in the very best of hands...

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