Sunday, May 09, 2010

I've got some foccacia rising in the oven,

so this'll be a short roundup:
First, seems it's expected that Obama will nominate Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court; thoughts on her and why some lefties are having fits here.

What Detroit has become. And what liberal journalists do, and then apologize for when caught.

Well hell, no wonder Greece is screwed!
Here a sample of policies that led to the crash. After fifteen years of contribution, a person could retire at 110% of his salary. Retirement was possible at the youthful age of fifty. The unmarried or divorced daughters of deceased public servants received a pension. Salaries were paid for a fourteen-month year. Civil servants had protected jobs and at least one person out of four had such coveted status. These people received significant bonuses. Such as for the ability to use a computer, or for the command of a foreign language. The writer’s favorite is a bonus for appearing at work on time. Bloated bureaucracy shows ingenuity to keep people on the payroll. The best job was on a commission that administered a lake that dried out in the 1930s.
Thanks to Ace for the pointer.

The Livens Large Gallery Flame Projector, something I'd not heard of.

So that volcano in Iceland is spewing more ash, and they think it may- as happened before- have triggered nearby Katla and it may erupt.

Rep. Carson, you're a bigoted, racist jackass.

Winning hearts and minds is good; I still think if you turn the troops loose to kill every Taliban they can find, it'll help. And prevent a lot of this kind of crap.
(the above few links thanks to Theo)

Dammit, I didn't write about this yesterday: Victory in Europe Day.

And now the timer is beeping, so bread into the oven, then into me. See you later.

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