Monday, February 01, 2010

This corruption of Rep. Pelosi deserves a post of its own Updated

Since Nancy Pelosi took over as Speaker in 2006, she's rung up millions in military travel expenses to commute between San Francisco and Washington.

Worse still, she also appears to have requisitioned entire flights for the personal use of her children and grandchildren. That is, unaccompanied by any member of Congress, her kids, in-laws and grandchildren are utilizing entire military passenger jets for their routine travel needs.

Using the documents obtained by Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, I have discovered the following manifests and travel requests.

Here's the post with the information; apparently 'Most Ethical Congress EVAH!' has a different meaning for her and her buttmonkeys than it does for the rest of is.

Update: Michelle Malkin has this.

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