Monday, February 01, 2010

It's Monday. Blah.

Let's see, The Lightbringer(or Lightworker or whatever) just keeps wanting to suck up to China; I realize he has a soft spot for communist dictatorships, but damn.

I'm with Insty on this: shaming and blaming campaign aides is all very well, but what's really needed is naming, blaming and shaming the miserable excuses for reporters who covered up all this crap during the campaigns.

Interesting piece here on a gentleman named Wole Soyinka. I'd argue with him on two things. First,
"England is a cesspit. England is the breeding ground of fundamentalist Muslims. Its social logic is to allow all religions to preach openly. But this is illogic, because none of the other religions preach apocalyptic violence. And yet England allows it. Remember, that country was the breeding ground for communism, too. Karl Marx did all his work in libraries there."

Why is Britain the way it is? "This is part of the character of Great Britain," Mr. Soyinka declares. "Colonialism bred an innate arrogance, but when you undertake that sort of imperial adventure, that arrogance gives way to a feeling of accommodativeness. You take pride in your openness." And so it is, he says, that Britain lets everyone preach whatever they want: It confirms a self-image of greatness
I've said it before, I'll say it again: freedom of speech has to include people you don't like and ideas you don't agree with, or it's NOT freedom of speech, it's 'freedom of PC speech'. Where Britain, and some of the idiots here go off the rails is when they treat the islamists and their bullshit as 'specially protected'. When muslims can demonstrate demanding people be killed for 'disrespecting' islam, and anyone who dares to carry a sign protesting that is threatened with arrest... they've gone away from freedom of speech and into 'silence anyone who doesn't speak in a PC manner, or who upsets a protected species'; that's the problem.

Will radical Islam take root in the United States, as it has elsewhere in the West? Mr. Soyinka was confident that it would not. "I doubt you can have the kind of indoctrination schools in America as you do in the U.K. Besides, there's a large body of American Muslims in the U.S.—the Nation of Islam—which has created a kind of mainstream Muslim institution. The Muslims there are open Muslims, whereas in Europe they tend to go into ghetto schools.

"The Nation of Islam provides an antidote in the United States to fundamentalist Islam—which is why individuals from America have to go abroad to find radical teachings."

This makes me wonder if he's been smoking crack. We've got a population of the same kind of radical islamists Britain has, and they're pushing to get away with the same crap, and the same progressive idiots who've screwed Britain are trying to do the same thing here.

Such a racist attitude(cowardly, too) from the Violence Policy Center. Be nice if they had the nerve to call themselves what they are, The End Gun Ownership Center.

Jeez, can The Obama nominate anyone for anything without them being a lying dirtbag?
Patricia Smith, President Obama's nominee for Solicitor of Labor, appears to have lied to Congress, according to e-mails released from during her tenure as Commissioner of the New York State Labor Department. As Daniel Halper explains over at The Weekly Standard, Smith has lied about her involvement with the Wage and Hour Watch program -- five times telling senators that she had no intention to expand the program to the entire state (leaving it localized in New York City), but later emails and other documents revealed that she did indeed plan to expand the program throughout the entire state of New York.

Senate Labor ranking member Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., has asked that Smith's nomination be withdrawn.

Well, I'd guess it's because he hasn't had a king or commie tyrant to bow to in a while.

Ah, hell, things to do. I'll get back to this stuff later.

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