Sunday, January 10, 2010

The PC racists and anti-science clowns at Berkeley deserve a post

of their very own.
Last week, M. Simon emailed me a link to a piece in the East Bay Express about Berkeley High School's decision to cut science labs. The article confirmed what Simon told me in the email: the reason was that too many white kids were interested in science:
The proposal to put the science-lab cuts on the table was approved recently by Berkeley High's School Governance Council, a body of teachers, parents, and students who oversee a plan to change the structure of the high school to address Berkeley's dismal racial achievement gap, where white students are doing far better than the state average while black and Latino students are doing worse.
And OBVIOUSLY the way to deal with this is cut the science classes the eeevviilllle white students are taking in too-large numbers, right? Well, it is if you're a PC racist progressive like the people 'running' this school(into the ground).

Please take note of the wording at the start of this: is striking that Non-Hispanic whites are so underrepresented and blacks so overrepresented.There is only one public high school in Berkeley. It is likely correct that blacks in Berkeley are more fertile than the whites, but I don't think the disparity is striking enough to account for the demographics of Berkeley High School. Rather, many whites must be sending their children to private schools.

This action will reinforce this tendency; the type of engaged parents which a public school benefits from won't consider sending their child to one which has to slash science laboratories to focus on remedial education. So Berkeley High School is simply accelerating its long death spiral
Remember reading of the idiotic classification of people in the slave days by any drop of black blood? 'Quadroon' and 'octaroon' and so forth? Well, at Berkeley the PC School we now hear of 'Non-Hispanic whites'; how long before they start breaking down 'African-American' into different categories, so they can decide just how much 'special assistance' each type deserves?

And, just like a lot of the idiot politicians these clowns send to the state capital and DC, when caught at some corruption and/or idiocy and/or racist bullcrap, they want to change the subject(long excerpt):
Until this morning, when the San Francisco Chronicle intervened with a truly
remarkable attempt to change the narrative. No longer are science labs a perk for white students at the expense of blacks. Now, the science labs are downright oppressive! To Mideast-surnamed named female students! No, I kid you not:
(01-05) 19:52 PST BERKELEY -- Berkeley High School sophomore Razan Qatami glanced at the wall clock in her advanced biology lab class and frowned. At 4:15 p.m., she still had about 10 more minutes before she was done for the day.

While most high school science classes incorporate labs into regular class time, Berkeley High requires most of its students to attend labs before or after school in the so-called zero or seventh periods.

That means showing up at 7:30 a.m. to, say, dissect frogs, or staying until 4:30 p.m. - additional class time that not surprisingly costs additional money.

School administrators would like to see that money spread around, specifically to help struggling students, and have proposed cutting out the supplementary lab classes.

Qatami would love to see those early and late labs discontinued.

Remember, these AP labs are voluntary. You know, for high-achieving type science aces who want to get ahead? No one is making Ms. Qatami take them, but the Chronicle makes her sound like a victim of some sort of oppression (exactly what I am not sure).

And, having started getting real criticism on this stupidity, the school wants to, ah, 'change' the narrative:
It also appears that (perhaps because they've been subjected to criticism in the blogosphere) Berkeley High officials are trying to cover their tracks, for they are now denying that they want to get rid of science labs.

Instead, they're speaking about a need for a "conversation":

To be clear, under the administrative proposal Berkeley High's science labs wouldn't be cut from the curriculum.

"The one rumor we need to totally dispel is the district or principal want to get rid of the science labs," said Berkeley Unified Superintendent William Huyett. "Nothing could be further from the truth."

But the community needs to have a conversation about how to keep quality science labs at Berkeley High, no matter when they're offered, Huyett said.

I'll let you read his take on the definition of 'conversation' these clowns use.

So. At Berkeley "We'll screw your kids future for the sake of being sensitive and PC, but don't you dare talk about us doing it, you'll hurt our feelings! And actually make us take responsibility for this crap, and we don't like doing that."

Californicated. Don't let this happen to your schools. And if it's starting, words first, and if they decide PC idiocy is more important than actual education maybe start sending boxes with a chunk of tar, some feathers and a stick to the clowns responsible, before your kids wind up in the same situation. And don't forget the politicians(other than the school morons) involved in creating the mess.

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