Sunday, January 10, 2010

Here's a nice start to a Sunday morning: the Globular Warmering True Believers

who really do want executions- sometimes with the nicety of a trial first- for people who refuse to go along:
A public appeal has been issued by an influential U.S. website asking: "At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers." The appeal appeared on Talking Points Memo, an often cited website that helps set the agenda for the political Left in the U.S. The anonymous posting, dated June 2, 2009, referred to dissenters of man-made global warming fears as "greedy bastards" who use "bogus science or the lowest scientists in the gene pool" to "distort data."

The Talking Points Memo article continues: "So when the right wing fucktards have caused it to be too late to fix the problem, and we start seeing the devastating consequences and we start seeing end of the World type events - how will we punish those responsible. It will be too late. So shouldn't we start punishing them now?"
Grist Magazine's staff writer David Roberts called for the Nuremberg-style trials for the "bastards" who were members of what he termed the global warming "denial industry."

Roberts wrote in the online publication on September 19, 2006, "When we've finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we're in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards -- some sort of climate Nuremberg."

And they wonder why we own guns...

I need to get over to CV more often; he also has a piece on the idiocy classed as 'security' for air travel:
The threshold for requiring a foreign visitor to undergo special scrutiny upon arrival in the U.S. is considerably lower than criteria for stopping a passenger's departure overseas, according to current and former law enforcement officials. That is why border security agencies rely heavily on terrorism watch lists of suspects seen as urgent threats, officials said.

"The public isn't aware how many people are allowed to travel through the U.S., who are linked, who intersect with bad guys or alleged bad guys," a national security official said. "It makes sense from an intelligence perspective. If they are not considered dangerous, it provides intelligence on where they go, who they meet with."

Damn, that sounds wonderful. Right up 'til the time one of the clowns gets the bomb right and a few hundred people die. I'll close this with his words:
Excuse me, but what is this Palestinian who wants to kill all the Jews doing here in the United States chanting in a foreign language and threatening officers? And why is he allowed to fly on our planes? I'd be willing to bet he'd never get on an El-Al flight. At least the Israelis aren't running a social experiment where they let terrorists and their sympathizers fly.
Because the idiots in charge take their cue from the arch-PC idiot Minneta who would rather have seen planes full of people go down than have security accused of, let alone actually do, profiling. And El-Al actually cares more about people getting through the flight alive than about being PC.

Speaking of the Security Theater, that 'Only PC Civil Rights Need Apply' dirtbag Lautenberg can find no fault in the TSA (Fast Food Rejects With Police Powers) union people who didn't do their damned jobs; oh no, they're wonderful people.
I'll bet. There are a lot of those at Newark:

A bystander waiting for an arriving passenger noticed the breach and told the guard. TSA officials then discovered that surveillance cameras at the security checkpoint had not recorded the breach.

Really? So then what?

That's right – they weren't even recording, sources said, and needed a reboot, which the agency apparently didn't ask for. That set off a chain reaction of even more missteps that caused needless chaos and inconvenience for several thousand hapless passengers.

With the cameras inoperable, the TSA tried to get a second set of surveillance video from Continental Airlines. But the TSA apparently didn't know the correct telephone number and the specific procedures to get the footage.

Bold mine. This passes the level of 'screwup' and goes way down into the well of incompetence. I understand not knowing offhand the number and procedure; but not having it written down where it was available? And NOT MAKING SURE THE CAMERAS THEY DEPEND ON START RECORDING?

It's a given that Lautenberg is a corrupt jackass; that he'll keep playing 'make the union happy' with a mess like this...

Michael Mann(Globular Warmist High Priest) had a nasty surprise waiting for him after the holidays:
When he turns up to work on Monday, he’ll find that all 27 of his colleagues at the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University have received a rather tempting email inviting them to blow the whistle on anyone they know who may have been fraudulently misusing federal grant funds for climate research.

Under US law, regardless of whether or not a prosecution results, the whistleblower stands to make very large sums of money: it is based on a percentage of the total government funds which have been misused, in this case perhaps as much as $50 million. (Hat tip: John O’Sullivan of the wonderful new campaigning site

Also at WUWT, this on some of the 'save the climate' idiocy involving-, well, take a look. Just wonderful, isn't it? We're supposedly damaging the climate(they think) through our tech(they believe) so they're willing to spend billions(at least, of other peoples money) to do things that they really have no frikkin' idea how would affect the climate; but because it's True Believers pushing this shit, we're supposed to believe
It's a good idea, and
It'll work.
Yeah. Right.

Oh, and how the Norfolk Police are working on the Climaquiddick 'hack':
During the enquiry officers have been working in liaison with the Office of the Information Commissioner and with officers from the National Domestic Extremism Team.
As the gentleman says, words fail me.

It should be noted(again) that Sen. Reid(Land Dealer-NV) is a corrupt political hack.

And it had to happen: Oliver Stone promises to put mass murderers such as Stalin and Hitler "in context."

"Stalin, Hitler, Mao, McCarthy -- these people have been vilified pretty thoroughly by history," Stone told reporters at the Television Critics Association's semi-annual press tour in Pasadena
Hey, Stone loves Castro and Chavez and every other America-hating tyrant & wannabe out there, so who's surprised? And will it be any surprise that the US is at least partly(largely, if Stone's past is any indication) responsible for Hitler?

Police have identified children as young as seven being groomed for terrorism, with some expressing a wish to become suicide bombers.

Up to 10 primary school pupils, aged between seven and 10, have been placed on a government outreach programme for individuals considered at risk of being radicalised and turning to violence.

Some have taken inspiration from jihadi websites or after viewing extremist material in Islamic bookshops.

One child was referred to the programme by his teacher after writing on a school book: “I want to be a suicide bomber.”

Other youngsters were identified by their parents after suddenly adopting traditional Muslim dress or espousing extremist views
Where? In Britain. Obama keeps talking about the Taliban and al Queda, and either doesn't understand or doesn't have the balls to state that they're here.

Also from (fG)Britain, under the heading of "You can't do/say/think anything we don't like about a protected species" we have this piece of bullshit:
The 45-year-old IT company manager, who does not want to be named, was arrested in front of his wife and young son, was fingerprinted and had his DNA taken.

It came after staff at Rother District Council in East Sussex declared the phrase “It’s the “do as you likey” attitude that I am against” – sent in an email to their planning department – was potentially racist because “likey” rhymes with the derogatory word “pikey”.

The businessman was held in a cell for four hours until officers established he had nothing to do with the email, which had been sent by one of his then workers, Paul Osmond, from a company computer
The comment from the local Commissar of the Revolutioncouncil?
A council spokesman said: “As far as we were concerned it was an offensive comment, so we got in touch with the police.”
Got that? Say ANYTHING these miserable little bastards consider 'offensive' and they call the police. Who WILL arrest you and fingerprint you and take DNA samples without even knowing if it was actually you who committed the 'horrible' act. Great going there, coppers, I'm sure this will really give the honest people reason to trust you.

And one last thing from (fG)Britain, an action of truly monumental idiocy:
MI5 failed to alert America to intelligence highlighting the extremist links of the Detroit plane bomber because of concerns about breaching his human rights and privacy.

The spy agency withheld its files on Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from Washington until after the near-catastrophic Christmas Day attack because of guidance from its legal department.

MI5 has privately conceded that as early as 2006 its surveillance operations had picked up “multiple communications” between the 23-year-old Nigerian student and suspected terrorists in Britain.

Asked why that information had not been passed to the US, a Home Office official with detailed knowledge of the case said the security service did not pass information to its allies about the thousands of Britons who were merely suspected of having radical Islamic views
'Merely suspected'. Yeah.

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