Sunday, November 01, 2009

'It was necessary to release the Lockerbie bomber for compassionate reasons'

The health of the Lockerbie bomber has "not deteriorated" since his release from prison three months ago – despite doctors' assessments that he would have died by now, a senior source has told The Sunday Telegraph.
And about those assessments,
But Prof Sikora admitted that the Libyans had encouraged him to conclude that Megrahi had just three months to live following his examination.

"The figure of three months was suggested as being helpful [by the Libyans]," he said. "To start with I said it was impossible to do that but, when I looked at it, it looked as though it could be done – you could actually say that."

While one of the doctors in the team was apparently 'more vague' about putting a limit on Megrahi's life expectancy, a third doctor, Professor Ibrahim Sharif, a Libyan oncologist from the Tripoli Medical Centre, agreed Megrahi had 'about three months'.

Other doctors have been reluctant to put a specific time-frame on life expectancy in patients suffering prostate cancer

To the justice minister of Scotland Kenny MacAskill: Fuck you, you miserable little socialist terrorist suckup. And the same to every sorry politician from Gordon Brown on down who had a part in this.

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