Sunday, November 01, 2009

I was taken to task the other day for my comments about Obama showing up

to salute the returning dead; the commenter thought I was nit-picking. Well, I found this at Stormbringer:
Friday afternoon I became aware of some facts: Barack Obama showed up at Dover AFB at 1230 and hung around until 0445; he asked all the families if he could be photographed beside their family members remains as they were being unloaded. 17 of the 18 families refused; so he hung around until he finally got permission; then he got the photo and he was out of there.

So what's going on here?

A) Obama went to Dover AFB to honor the dead, and he brought along the Whitehouse press pool & photographers to witness the event,

B) the President of the United States waited planeside for over four hours in order to receive a family's permission to be photographed saluting their boy's casket, and

C) a man with zero military experience is photographed executing a picture perfect parade-ground salute right out of Field Manual 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremony . . .

At STORMBRINGER we don't believe in coincidences, especially triple redundancy coincidences. Obama is a very shrewd operator; that everything he does is carefully calculated for pure political benefit.


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Not to mention the line in the nyt story that got deleted. Something about the trip being a photo-op to show how serious obumble was about the decision "process" on what to do about Afganistan.

  2. a man with zero military experience is photographed executing a picture perfect parade-ground salute right out of Field Manual 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremony . . .

    I thought the obama salute pic was possibly a photoshop job the first time I view same?   Really too perfect for a community organizer?   But then I guess a good actor can pull off just about any role with enough coaching?

  3. Well, the president doesn't go ANYWHERE without a press crew - the latrine POSSIBLY excepted.

    And I got coached in saluting too. My coaching was in basic training, but it was still coaching.

    This is petty, and demeaning. There are so very many issues on which the POTUS is absolutely, stunningly, amazingly WRONG that to use something like this is asinine.

  4. This is petty, and demeaning.

    LOL.   Thanks for the lecture on civility, AMCIT!


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