Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Well, I have to blame SOMEBODY

for it!"
The mother of a Miles City Mavericks baseball player who died after being hit in the head with a batted ball during a 2003 game in Helena is seeking damages from the makers of Louisville Slugger bats in this civil trial, sure to draw national attention and stoke the discussion of whether aluminum bats create an unfair advantage or are too dangerous.
According to the plaintiff's attorneys, Patch's death was caused by the defective and unreasonably dangerous product because the bat was designed and manufactured to allow the ball to be hit with such significant force as to endanger the safety of those playing the game. No warnings were given to adequately provide sufficient notice to users such as Patch of the dangerous propensities of these products, the suit alleges

I have to call this absolute bullshit. I understand she's hurting; that doesn't change that this "I have to blame somebody for this!" attitude sucks. "...the bat was designed and manufactured to allow the ball to be hit with such significant force as to endanger the safety..." for God's sake! It's a BASEBALL BAT; it- and wood ones- are designed to HIT THE BALL AND MAKE IT FLY A LONG WAYS. This suit should be thrown out, and personally I think the lawyer should be be removed from the bar. Preferably with a bat shoved up his ass.

I wonder how much the lawyer stands to make if this suit were won?

Found at Uncle

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