Thursday, October 22, 2009

I miss whisky

Specifically, the Glenfiddich I used to drink. Haven't bought or drunk any since word came out about Scotland turning the Lockerbie mass-murderer loose in order to suck up to Libya.

Yeah, it keeps money from going to the people who work in the distillery; it also keeps money out of the hands of the socialist bastards running the country.

But I do miss the taste.


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Try the Irish stuff. Bushmills, Black Bush, or Midelton if you can swing the horendous charge. Yeah, it's not scotch, but it's damn good whiskey.

  2. That's a new one. Unfortunately, nobody in Texas or OK sells the stuff; and last I checked, OK won't let you buy spirits by mail or online.

  3. I'm not familiar with 'Anonymous'' recommendations but I see that specsonline has listing for both BUSHMILLS SINGLE MALT 16YR and BLACK BUSH IRISH.   I've got a couple of Specs' megastores not too far from me.   I think I'll go check out their stock this weekend?

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM


    I live a few miles from the Copper Fox distillery, and I really try to give business to local folks. However, I personally find their stuff nearly undrinkable.

    They are new (started in 2000) and their whiskey is only aged about 4 months; I'm sure this is an attempt to bootstrap their business (who can wait 4 years?).

    They emphasize that "it's not Scotch Whisky, it's not Irish Whisky, it's Virginia Whisky".

    I guess they have their market. Or maybe I need to give it another try.


  5. FWIW, I went up to the Spec's next to If'nKEA on I35 just north of Round Rock earlier today.   Spec's had both the Bushmills and Black Bush on the shelf.

  6. I've had Bushmill's before, not bad stuff. And I know people around OKC carry it have totry one of those.

    Or next time in Texas look at a Spec's, never been to them.

  7. Keith1:50 PM

    Canadian Club will beat most of the Scottish stuff (esp glenfiddich)and its a lot more reasonable price.

    Irish stuff is good but expensive

    Don't know what price the Japanese stuff is, heard it's really good though.

    Drinking Hennesey's french rubbish (descendants of an Irish Family though)while I type this

  8. Never have tried CC, will have to see if can find some singles of stuff to sample. Place near home has a fair number, and there's a big store near the Capital(appropriately) with a BIG selection of singles.


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