Sunday, July 12, 2009

In the current version of Leftist Bullcrap In The News,

we start with the "Nazis in the military!!!" scare from Morris Dees and his pantswetters:
As the Mudville Gazette points out, the military represent a cross section of American society (except, I would add, leftist intellectuals who are too moral to serve). When you start talking about a diverse population with 1.5 million members you shouldn’t be highly surprised if you find a small (0.0027% to be precise) number of weirdos.

Why the alarm? Firstly, as a revenue-seeking corporation, the Southern Poverty Law Center has every incentive to fabricate an attention generating “crisis” whenever possible. This “discovery” will no doubt generate a lot of money for them. More importantly, this story feeds into a deeply held fantasy of leftists in which fascism is a major factor in American life.
The need of leftists to inflate their own sense of self-righteousness and self-importance leads them to magnify a tiny, highly marginalized, wacky subculture of racist socialists into this great threat to the republic which only the noble Left can stop. They also like to stigmatize the military whenever possible, so they absolutely believe that such people are common in the military. They see an ice cube floating by and imagine an iceberg.

Conversely, they ignore anti-American extremists on the far Left. Almost all of the large anti-war/anti-democracy rallies during the early part of the liberation of Iraq were organized by International ANSWER, a group founded by leaders of the Stalinist Workers World Party. No one on the Left had a problem with that. Bill Ayers is easily the leftist equivalent of a neo-Nazi. He fantasized about murdering 25 million Americans in gulags after his hoped-for communist revolution. Only his own bomb-making incompetence prevented him from detonating a large anti-personnel bomb at a U.S. Army dance and killing dozens. However, no one on the Left has any problem with him moving for years in the same close-knit society of Chicago leftists as did Obama. Moreover, Ayers and his wife are far from the only unrepentant leftist extremists in good standing with the American Left
Which, of course, brings up the inconvenient fact that the National Socialists WERE socialists; and the left in this country just doesn't like having that brought up.

Then we have a note on just how much damage the New York Effing Times and its sleazy reporters may have done to this country, and the fact that they're letting the people involved 'report' on this study:
Risen and Lichtblau mostly airbrush these assessmetns out of their highly selective story today. The reason is obvious. They have a vested interest in minimizing the damage that their own reporting -- also unmentioned in today's story -- has done to the national security of the United States.

Given their own role in this story, the Times shouldn't let Risen and Lichtblau continue to report on it. They have an obvious conflict of interest. The conflict is manifested in the lousy job they do fairly reporting on the IGs' report on the NSA program today
Also, more here.

Al Gore is not only getting rich as hell off of scaring people(Snake oil salesman Al Gore has seen his riches increase from $2 million in 2000 to over $100 million in 2008 pushing his junk science.), but he's feeling secure enough to let his true intentions out:
Gore touted the Congressional climate bill, claiming it “will dramatically increase the prospects for success” in combating what he sees as the “crisis” of man-made global warming.

“But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change and one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.” (Editor's Note: Gore makes the “global governance” comment at the 1 min. 10 sec. mark in this UK Times video.)

Gore's call for “global governance” echoes former French President Jacques Chirac's call in 2000.
Because only people who, in one of their five mansions, use more energy in a month than most families do in a year are capable of running your life for you(and let's not talk about the houseboat)

And there's this from Rep. Dan Boren(Evil Party-OK) the other day:
Oklahoma's only Democrat in the congressional delegation, U.S. Representative Dan Boren has decided he is against the health care reforms being prepared by the Obama administration and Democratic leaders.
Sounds good, right?
He agreed with others that the plan comes from the liberal left of the party, is too costly and will raise taxes.
"There's also a feeling that this will come out looking much like the climate bill and we don't need two bad votes."
So if you hadn't already had the passing of that abortion of Cap & Tax, you would vote for it? Not having the other 'bad vote' fallout to deal with? Does sound that way, doesn't it? I heard part of the interview the other day, and you haven't heard so many 'uh's since Obama's teleprompter broke down. And the way he worded it sounded like exactly that: that if they weren't dealing with the fallout on Cap & Tax, some of them might vote for this 'health care reform' so as to keep Pelosi & her Flying Monkeys happy. Way to stand on principle, guys.

And last, since crapping all over a plumber for daring to ask a question made the weenies so happy, they now want to crap all over a firefighter for daring to stand up to pc bullcrap:
Supporters of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor are quietly targeting the Connecticut firefighter who's at the center of Sotomayor's most controversial ruling.

On the eve of Sotomayor's Senate confirmation hearing, her advocates have been urging journalists to scrutinize what one called the "troubled and litigious work history" of firefighter Frank Ricci.

This is opposition research: a constant shadow on Capitol Hill.

"The whole business of getting Supreme Court nominees through the process has become bloodsport," said Gary Rose, a government and politics professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn.

On Friday, citing in an e-mail "Frank Ricci's troubled and litigious work history," the liberal advocacy group People for the American Way drew reporters' attention to Ricci's past. Other advocates for Sotomayor have discreetly urged journalists to pursue similar story lines
Yep. Can't allow the peasants to get in the way of 'progress', now can we?

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