Sunday, July 12, 2009

And a bit more on Honduras

and the UN, once again, on the side of the tyrants and wannabes:
Miguel D’Escoto, the UN General Assembly president who believes that “Fidel Castro is the closest thing we have to a saint”, sees Zelaya reinstated soon:
D’Escoto said his belief was based on “conversations” but he declined to give further details. “I have a feeling we’re moving in that direction rather quickly. I may be wrong, but I hope not,” he said.

“I feel confident that a solution will be arrived at very soon. By soon I mean very few days. A week is soon, but I believe sooner,” he added.

D’Escoto’s saint, Fidel Castro, rants that “If Zelaya’s not reinstated, many governments in Latin America are in peril,” and that it would damage Obama’s image in Latin America.

Ooooh, Castro is ranting!! Big scary, there! Slight problem with the 'reinstated soon' wish, though;
While ousted President Manuel Zelaya carries out a raucous public battle to return and finish the last six months of his term, the Honduran attorney general is quietly collecting evidence that might put Zelaya behind bars — or keep him at bay — for years.

Zelaya and interim President Roberto Micheletti traveled to Costa Rica on Thursday to begin negotiating a way out of the political crisis in which both claim the presidency. But congress and other branches of government have suggested that some things are not on the table — namely, dropping charges so Zelaya can return.

Deputy Attorney General Roy David Urtecho, who was appointed under the Zelaya administration, said his office would vehemently resist any pressure for leniency.

”Only congress can extend amnesty,” he said. “But we will take every legal action necessary so that no accusations that have been made, or will be made, against a public official are left in impunity.”

Zelaya is facing four charges: abuse of power, treason, usurping his duties and attempts against the form of government. Only treason and attempts against the form of government might be considered ”political” charges, legal experts said
And, again, as to the bullshit about a 'coup',
As congress and the courts legally blocked him each step of the way, Zelaya switched tactics, ignored rulings and fired those who got in the way. It came to a crisis point on June 25 when he rallied his supporters to break into a government building and seize the impounded referendum material, which was under guard. That was the last straw.

On June 26, the Supreme Court ordered his arrest, according to documents provided by the attorney general’s office. On the morning of June 28 — the day the referendum was to take place — masked soldiers escorted Zelaya at gunpoint onto an airplane in his pajamas and flew him to Costa Rica.

In addition, Zelaya’s chief of staff, Enrique Flores Lanza, is accused of abuse of power and misuse of public funds for withdrawing about $2.2 million in cash from the Central Bank on June 24.

Urtecho said there may be more charges in the pipeline. ”We have received reports about government contracts that violated the law,” he said. “But all the documentation we needed has been in the hands of the government officials who vacated their offices on June 28.”

1 comment:

  1. Laying aside Article 239 of the Constitution, Mel is guilty by association. Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua), Evo Morales (Bolivia) all want to recruit and enroll Manuel Zelaya in their school (SOA!) of Continuisimo: "one man, one vote, one time". This was not a military coup but a constitutional coup.


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