Thursday, June 11, 2009

This crap is NOT a good way to wake up

too early. That's bad enough, but then you go online and run across crap like this:
Listen to him. He's talking in what seems to be a glossolalic deluge of issues. One plan a week, each thrown out there while we're still digesting the previous one. He's moving too fast for us to keep up with him. He's talking a private language, to himself, like crazy people do, because he certainly can't be talking to us, his strange, atrophied people, our capacity for large projects and great achievement, let alone for the participation in enlightened self-government that such projects and achievements require, something safely kept reserved for HBO historical miniseries. The muscles have gone slack, the nerve endings gone dead. He's talking about phantoms, about ghosts, about things that aren't really there. He's speaking in tongues is what he's doing.
Insty had a link to this, titled What if Obama's out of his mind? But don't worry, the article makes it clear that Obama is just freakin' WONDERFUL and intelligent and trying to save us; it's most of America that's degraded and full of hate and stupidity. Pierce describes the tea parties:
...On April 15, all around the country, there was an inchoate outburst of public disapproval. There were caricatures of him dressed as Hitler and as Lenin, which is a considerable, if utterly ahistorical, parlay. There was the spectacle of thousands of lower-middle-class people making the noise of hundreds and expressing outrage that Obama intended to raise the marginal tax rate on people making more than $250,000 a year to somewhere around where it was during Ronald Reagan's second term. It was a pathetically thin if noisy spasm of ill-conceived outrage.
If that doesn't tell you the whole of this piece of crap...

Letterman's a sorry piece of crap, and CBS can't do things honestly at all, can they?
The remark was aired live, but CBS removed it from the transcript it makes available to media, including the New York Times, which publishes Letterman’s opening monologue on its blog site.
They just seem to love memory holes, don't they?

Ten things about the Kennedy-Dodd Shut up and do what you're told, peasantHealth Care bill they're trying to shove down our throats.

Congress and 'transparency', which apparently means "If you don't know about it it's transparent" to these dirtbags.
Lawmakers do not have to reveal homes they own unless they are rental properties. They also do not have to say whether they have mortgages or home equity lines of credit on their non-rental residences, who holds the debt, how much it is or what the terms are. Often, it’s only when scandal occurs that the public learns of financial arrangements that pose potential conflicts of interest.

That was the case when the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Chris Dodd, D-Conn., and the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Kent Conrad, D-N.D., received preferential treatment on mortgages. Dodd was an architect of last year’s multibillion-dollar housing rescue plan. The scandal involved a Countrywide Financial Corp., “VIP” program for “friends of Angelo,” Countrywide’s then-chief executive Angelo Mozilo. The Securities and Exchange Commission filed a lawsuit this month accusing Mozilo of civil fraud and illegal insider trading.

Dodd’s mortgages don’t appear in his public financial disclosure reports; Conrad disclosed a Countrywide mortgage on a rental property but not one for a vacation home. Both have denied wrongdoing.

So Pres. B. Hussein Cartman Obama ordered the FBI to Afghanistan to read Miranda Rights(something here in the US) to terrorists captured in battle; why yes, the man is insane or a freakin' idiot. Take your pick. Of course, attached to this we also have to thank McCain for his idiocy. God, that the last Presidential election was a choice between these two...

Various media weenies are trying very hard to say the nut who murdered a guard(Stephen Tyrone Johns, who should be remembered) at the Holocaust Museum proves that Napolitano's DHS report saying 'Veterans are a Threat' correct:
"As you watch, bear in mind that Smith and Herridge know they're talking about a guy who claims to be an 89-year old WWII veteran. Unless he crashed a PT boat through the front doors of the Holocaust Museum, any military training from back in '42 was not a factor. But Smith wants to make sure you understand very specifically - this is a former military guy, it's not political, social, or anything else."
Please note the suggestion at Blackfive: You want your e-mail to have impact? Then start contacting advertisers on Fox News and ask them if they agree with the comments and conclusions expressed by Smith and Herridge. Be nice about it, but... That will get action, writing him or Fox will not.

From the gentleman at This Ain't Hell, on the subject of the DHS report,
(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.

ME: Hey JT.
JT: [Congressional Staffer] Hey, what’s up?
ME: You covered the whole DHS report debacle right, I have a few questions.
JT: You know they pulled that report, right?
ME: Yeah, I heard that, but why did they pull it?
JT: Because everyone went batshit over it.
ME: Like who?
JT: Well, veterans groups for one. Also all the Tea Party people, a whole host of blogs, most GOP Senators and Congressmen. But, really, it pretty much got pulled when Bennie Thompson the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committe came out and said that “this report appears to raise significant issues involving the privacy and civil liberties of many Americans — including war veterans… As I am certain you agree, freedom of association and freedom of speech are guaranteed to all Americans — whether a person’s beliefs, whatever their political orientation, are ‘extremist’ or not.”
ME: Any idea how long he’s been active in the white supremacist movement?
JT: …….
ME: You there?
JT: What the hell are you talking about? He’s a black democrat from Mississippi who’s on the Congressional Black Caucus.
ME: Does he hate Jews?
JT: Is this going somewhere?
ME: I’m just wondering who complained on behalf of the racists who were in the report so that it got pulled. Anyone stand up for the Klan or anything?
JT: I’m going back to work now.
ME: One last question. How many people stood up for the rights of previously incarcerated wackjobs who tried to kidnap federal officials?
JT: *click*

And, proving we have no corner on idiot politicians, in and out of uniform,
But it has emerged that the Who Dares Wins regiment had been planning a classic hostage rescue.

In a rare breach of protocol that reveals the SAS’s anger, serving members have given us details of the top-secret action.

Operation Aerobic was organised after al-Qaeda’s North Africa wing set a deadline for the release of hate preacher Abu Qatada in exchange for Mr Dyer’s life.

But with time almost up at the end of May, senior military officers in the MoD advised Foreign Secretary David Miliband that the operation must not go ahead.

SAS officers and other ranks across the board were left furious.

A senior SAS source said: “We knew where he was. We are convinced we could have got him out alive, but Whitehall bottled it.

“Whether it was the Directorate of Special Forces, the military chiefs or Government ministers, we don’t know. We have our suspicions.

“Of course there was risk, there always is in hostage rescue. The group said they were going to kill him anyway, so what was there to lose?

“And if we did it, it would have sent a powerful message to these sorts of people not to screw with Brits.”
God knows why it was decided not to do this; I can't see a downside to a strike of SAS troops playing "Guess who!" with a bunch of terrorists. And the troops are pissed; that 'rare breach of protocol' says it all.

Of course, this would have indicated the Brits still have people capable of pulling this off and resulted in the whacking of bad guys; maybe that's exactly why some weenies didn't want it to happen.

Ain't things just wonderful at times?

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