Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Communism. I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it. I will hate it until the end of my life.

Most of you here say guns in the hands of people can defeat tyrants. Regardless of what you may hear from naysayers and firearms “hobbyists” who will tell you AR’s and AK’s in civilian hands are no match for tanks and machine guns (I remember one such hobbyist posting this here on Calguns), I come before you to tell you that what you believe to be true it is true: on December 22nd 1989 me and thousands of my compatriots we did just that.

The Word, from someone who lived through that time in Romania. Go. Read.


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM


  2. Yes, indeed. As the old saying goes, there are no obsolete weapons, only obsolete tactics & strategies. And as Mike Vanderboegh so astutely pointed out, "...artillery and nuclear bombs are of limited utility to a government when the battlefield is its own cities, towns, transportation hubs and commercial centers. Then it becomes like Iraq, only far worse. It becomes a rat hunt where the rats outnumber you, and often, at the point of decision, beat you in the one thing that is most fundamental in an up-close infantry fight: rapid and deadly accurate rifle fire."
    See also Vanderboegh's novel Absolved, in which one of the characters wreaks havoc with even less than that.

    "...everybody said you'd make it big someday, and I guess that we were only in your way...but someday I'm sure, you're gonna know the cost...'cause for everything you win, there's somethin' lost..."

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    metal detector song

  4. Why yes, yes it is...

  5. Anonymous2:43 PM

    All I ever find with mine are bottle caps!

  6. I struck gold once. It was quite a memorable experience. "Let me run with you tonight, I'll take you on a moonlight ride..."

  7. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Like the guy that went to Canada to that mine to get all the gold?

    That song is about a fella who wants to do drugs! That is not good. As for how the dude in the song thinks that chick feels about him...the drugs are telling him that. (never heard that song before...just read the lyrics)

    Here's what I want to know: Who put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop?

    Hey, Firehand, I got some honeybees for you!

  8. Like the guy that went to Canada to that mine to get all the gold?

    Actually it was Alaska. But he came up empty-handed, if you'll remember. I didn't, although like him I did have to go to a locale that was rather different than the Texas Gulf Coast. Could be the drugs are telling the ole boy in that song how the chick feels, I dunno. Only she knows for sure. How do YOU think she feels?

    "...if I ever start developing an affinity for songs about sippy cups or being Mr. Mom, just put me out of my misery..."

  9. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Let's see...How do I think the chick feels? That's a loaded question if ever I heard one. It's a good thing I like to shoot.

    You know how some people do things, or how some people just get totally SICK when they think about the people they once knew, how they totally hate anything that reminds them of that time? The chick in the song has NEVER felt that way about one single second of that time.

    And, by the way, Pistolero....Bubba has nothing on you! If they ever make another version of that movie, you SO NEED TO PLAY THAT PART! I love to laugh so much. And I can get so tickled and laugh like crazy thinking about the little short, fat people who cuss all the time and say "go to hell and die".

    And I HATE THAT SONG! I hate it like the howlin' at the moo-oo-oo-oo-oon song! Oh, GOD! Now that is going to be going through my head!

  10. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Oh, and I am so glad it wasn't Canada! Alaska is much better! I knew it was north, though! See? I can't help titles are not my thing. LOL!! That's why I have to make up my own and pray that people can figure out what the hell I'm talking about.

  11. You know how some people do things, or how some people just get totally SICK when they think about the people they once knew, how they totally hate anything that reminds them of that time?
    Yep, I sure do. I do believe the guy in the song might have been thinking the chick was feeling that way.

    The chick in the song has NEVER felt that way about one single second of that time.

    I have no doubt in my mind the guy doesn't either. He had to have been having a really bad day to write a song like that. There is nary a doubt in my mind that he hears songs all the time that make him think of her and smile, in spite of events. (Everybody does, whether they want to admit it or not.) Maybe as recently as just yesterday, if he had satellite radio. And you know he cranked the volume up to the max too, and got a grin the size of Texas on his face...
    "I believe in miracles...where you from, you sexy thaaang...." *click* "...he yells out 'Johnny Cash,' and the band starts to play 'Ring of Fire' as he walks up and stands there by the stage, and he says, "Hell yeah..."
    He might even listen to certain cds now and then that take him back to that time, it was so awesome.

    "...I'm gonna lean up against you, you just lean right back against me. This way we don't have to sleep with our heads in the mud..."
    And it was one of their teachers that said, "You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!" But they do cuss, oh yes...

    howlin' at the moo-oo-oo-oo-oon song!
    Ah-ooooooh! Yeah, that's one of those songs I bet you that guy's not a big fan of but he listens because it makes him think of a certain something.

    That's why I have to make up my own and pray that people can figure out what the hell I'm talking about.
    If the chick in the song did that, I bet the guy could figure it out pretty quick. He was good like that, no doubt.

    "...I'd give up this crazy dream of mine, to hold you once more, won't you meet me in Montana, I wanna see the mountains in your eyes...Oh, whoa, I've had all of this life I can handle..."

  12. Anonymous8:08 AM

    See? I told ya it was the drugs! I may not be right all the time and I may just totally go all hell, west, and crooked sometimes, but there are times when I know what I'm talking about.

    Only God knows why things happen in our lives. Granted, we play a part. But when one looks at a situation and asks, "why did this or that happen?", only He has the most complex answer. And when one puts it all on the table and comes clean about things, you never know what might happen. You never know what the other person might do. But it had to be done. So not only do you hurt the one, you also hurt the other. It can't be easy to hear no matter what was done to drive that person to do what they did. It takes a lot of work to get things ironed out.

    You're right about some how one should resolve one issue before moving on to another(I'm paraphrasing). Hindsight has perfect vision. I'll be the first to admit that everytime. But I'm glad that there is no hatred from anyone. So glad. And I am still a work-in-progress. I will never be perfect and I will always be FAR from it.

  13. Anonymous10:56 AM


    You okay, Cowboy? Was there a gun show that we didn't know about? Did the honeybees attack? Infected hangnail? You drove to the levee, but the levee was dry?

    Just checking.

    PS: Thanks for letting P and I have this discussion. I swear that man has a song for every ocassion!

    Oh, and P...that last song could go something like this: "I wanna see the reflection of lava in your eyes. Meet me on top of that big volcano now."

  14. We're all indeed a work in progress. And for there to be actual hatred, it would have to have been much, much worse. As it was, it was so beautiful I can't help but look back on it all and smile, no matter what...especially when I hear, say, the fat bug song. As for reflection, I am about to see the reflection of the sun off the water here in a bit, hopefully on the inner tube being pulled behind the boat...

    "...Play me a dancer, a hold-her-hander, old honky-tonker pull-'er-up closer, slow romancer, make-her-fall-in-love-with-me song..."

  15. Anonymous3:25 PM

    OH MY GOD! You're going tubing? I just bet you are so not wearing sunscreen.

    I smile too. And when I lift up the splash guard at the corner of the house, I see those fat bugs and I sing their song. "Eatin' Hostess cupcakes all the time..." Oh, and the street lamp song....I sing that song all the damn time! And with this crazy boy of mine, when I start to sing, he'll sit in front of me and get this "in love" look in his eyes and he tries to molest my leg. He's a little pervert. LOL! Anytime I sing, he gets emotional and wants to rub his pee-pee on something, ANYTHING! LOL!!

  16. Out of town visiting parents, just got home.

    Damn, guy, you DO have lyrics for every occasion.

    Fire, you're welcome.

    Pistolero, 'work in progress' indeed. I just wish the 'work' didn't include the deconstruction of my knees.

  17. You know me well. I came away with this pinkish-red tint. But I had a blast. Stepdad tried to throw me off the tube and he damn near did, but I hung on for dear life. ;-) I haven't listened to the Street Light Song in a long time, or the Love Me One Time Song either. I really should pull that cd out...

    "As I stepped outta that Cadillac, I said 'Mister, many thanks.'...He said, 'You don't have to call me Mister, Mister, the whole world calls me Hank...'"

  18. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I think those songs will be the soundtrack to my life. They are really, reeeeeally great songs. I love them. Well, since you are pinkish-red, you should be okay. If you are RED, then hot showers are going to hurt like hell. And this is totally gross, but it works: Mayo on a burn helps.

    Firehand, I was about to come looking for you. Glad you're okay. Hope you had a good time with your parents.

  19. Mayo on a burn helps.
    I've heard that somewhere or another before but never tried it. And those are some great songs...better for the memories they evoke.

    "I'm no schoolboy, but I know what I shoulda heard me, just around midnight..."

  20. Anonymous8:38 PM


  21. Anonymous8:45 PM

    And WTF? Brown Sugar?

  22. Aww, c'mon, I don't go for teh brown sugah, but that's one of the Stones' best records! Lol...and for the record, the shower felt just fine, but I am starting to itch now.
    As for the "lyric for every occasion," that could be, even more so since I've gotten Sirius satellite radio. I'm hearing stuff on there all the time I've never heard before or hadn't heard in YEARS. It's reaaally broadened my should hear the last cd I bought...

  23. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I stopped by your blog. Your writing is impeccable, as always. Just wanted to stop in for a bit.

    Jason Aldean's song about the chick who's so country....that is the song that gets cranked up to the max!

  24. Weeeell, thank you. I do the best I can. I haven't heard the Jason Aldean lately the radio's been stuck on the rock channels. I still love the old country, but Sirius has turned me into more than a bit of a rocker...

    "Whiskey bottles, and brand-new cars, oak tree you're in my way..."

  25. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Not a rock fan. It's just not my cup of hot chocolate.

    I'm getting ready to take Bailey to the pet store. He's doing good on his dragging me while I walk him. LOL. Yesterday, we actually walked halfway around the block like a normal dog and person would. I told him that he could pick out any toy he wants at the pet store. He'll go through the aisles and then he'll pick up one, drop it when he sees something else he wants, drop that one for another...and then he'll settle on his favorite and carry it around the whole store.


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