Friday, February 06, 2009

The World, and my take on it

Parts of it, anyway.

Haven’t written much about the son lately. His unit had rotated back to Germany, where the excitement consisted of freezing, defrosting after the morning PT in single-digit temperatures(low double-digits on some days) and dealing with the ice and snow.

Last night he flew in and stayed overnight; he’s been transferred to a base stateside. Got a few hours sleep, picked up his truck and headed out this morning on a long drive. From what he said of the trip, the only problem was in Paris. He’d had a big carabiner on his pack to hold his laptop case, and they confiscated it at the airport: “It can be used as brass knuckles, so it is not allowed!” This after it passing without a second glance through US and German airports multiple times. Apparently pointing this out and adding that he’d been trusted to board a plane once or twice with an M4 didn’t do anything more than irritate them. Which brings me to what I once said to my daughter when she brought up the metric system:
“The metric system is France’s revenge on the world.”
“Revenge for what?”(delivered with an annoyed look)
“For their having to be the French.”
She wouldn’t talk to me for a while after that…

In one of his books Eric Flint has a character saying that most of the French enlisted and a lot of their junior officers are quite good; it’s many of their high-ranking officers and the politicians who tend to be assholes. Which would seem to be born out by reports from Afghanistan, some people reporting that the French troops fight like hell when they can; but between orders from On High and lack of equipment can’t do it very often. You’d think, even if a lot of the politicians don’t like them being there, they’d want their troops equipped as well as possible, but no. Of course, we’ve got experience with asshole politicians like that ourselves.

In other news, I’d heard the other day about Rep. Stabenow talking about needed the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ or something else to be shoved down our throats because “There is no balance in talk radio.” Turns out that, along with the general BS in that statement, her husband is a bigshot(can you still be a bigshot in a failure like that?) with Air America. Which indicates she’s less interested in ‘fairness’ than in helping hubby shove AA down our throats. And, incidentally, helping the family bottom line. Isn’t it wonderful to have such dirtbagspoliticians in DC telling us what we should be able to hear? And read? And think?

There was various BS about the Porkulus Bill currently in the Senate, with some talk of ‘moderate Republicans’ i.e. RINOs, negotiating to try to cut down on some of the pork. The problem being that most of the damn thing is pork and payoffs and power grabs. Apparently President The Lightworker Obama gave a speech bitching about the nasty people not rolling over and letting his bill pass without all this messy debate(“What do you think this is, a republic?!?” “Yes, we do, and we ain’t shutting up.) When the CBO states that this bill is a disaster in the making, and these clowns keep pushing it with the “Give the Lightworker what he wants or we’re doomed!” line… could we borrow a roofing tar melter for a while, you think?

About a year ago I bought a Don Hume in-the-waistband holster at a show; it was a decent price and I wanted to try that style of carry. Well, the style of carry is great; easier to conceal, stable. The only problem was the mouth of the holster tended to close a bit after you drew; it has a piece of leather stitched around the mouth to stiffen it, but doesn’t do a lot. So the other day I cut the stitching and pulled that piece off, cut and shaped a piece of steel from a saw blade to fit, set it in place and stitched that leather piece back over it, then tweaked the shape a touch so the housing for the laser module in the grip didn’t bump into the mouth.

It’s great. It’s actually easier to draw, as well as return to the holster. It would probably make an even bigger difference if the body of the holster was a stiffer leather, but right now this is fine. Although I’m tempted to find some type of leather(I’ve heard horsehide is good) that would get very stiff after being fitted and try making one.

How does this sound:
Obama got used to the media giving him a pass on damn near everything the last couple of years. Add to that his buttmonkeys trashing anyone who dared to actually question his qualifications and his past and what he wanted to do to us, he got used to getting pretty much what he wanted.

Add to that the fact that he’s not really very good at what he’s doing; not only do a lot of people in both parties not trust him, he’s apparently done a lousy job of trying to build any with those people.

Throw in the sense of entitlement- connected to point 1- that led to the “I won” statements, which boil down to thinking “I won the job interview, so you HAVE to do what I want.”

Finally, I think Pelosi & Reid & Co. figured that since he didn’t really know what he was doing, or how to do it, or both, they figured they’d do the actual governing and he’d rubber-stamp whatever they put in front of him. And he either didn’t realize it before and doesn’t like it now, or knew it before and let them think that was how it would be and now…

Put it all together, seems like it would cover a lot of the crap that’s happened the last two weeks. His apparent surprise that his nominees actually ran into questions and opposition(not enough of either, but that’s a different gripe), his apocalyptic talk about “Give me this bill or we’re ruined”(closer to truth would be “Give me this bill and we’re ruined”), his anger that the Stupid Party is holding fairly strong and not giving him bipartisan cover for the crap he’s trying to feed us; seems to explain at least some of it.

The other day I noted that there's evidence of the wonderful islamist believers of the Religion of Peace raping teenagers/early 20's and then using the disgrace of that to push them into suicide bombing; I missed this the day before:
Samira Ahmed Jassim, 51, is accused of recruiting more than 80 women to become human bombs, including 28 who actually carried out attacks.

She has apparently confessed to helping to organise the rape of young Iraqi women.

She would then play on the shame associated with victims of rape in Iraqi society to convince the women to become suicide bombers as their only means of escape
Note to people: if your culture tells a woman who's been raped that she's brought dishonor on the family, your culture sucks. If you arrange for a woman to be raped so you can convince her to commit suicide and murder, you suck even worse. And ought to be used as a bayonet-practice dummy, or put to some other appropriate use.

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