Friday, February 06, 2009

Some RINOs are not a protected species

and should be treated like any other common varmint. Especially being the treacherous little bastards they are.
Details of GOP Sen. Susan Collins’ “compromise” “stimulus” proposal are coming out. This is a Mt. Kilimanjaro-sized crock of you know what. Total cost of this “pared down” bill is $1.175 trillion.

Let me repeat that: $1.175 trillion.

This figure does not include the nearly $50 billion added in Senate amendments during the last two days.

So in the name of fiscal responsibility, Collins and the B.O. Republican contingent are selling out America with a plan that costs $7 billion more than the House Crap Sandwich Supreme.

Are we ready to say the F-word* yet?


No, Mrs. Malkin, 'filibuster' isn't the word appropriate to this. The 'N' word(noose), the 'T', 'F' and 'R' words(tar, feathers, rail); now THOSE do come to mind. Damned Diane Feinstein is hedging her bets: "So I reserve the right at the end of the day to vote against the package that I don't think puts those jobs out there. That's my point." If this piece of shit(I'm not as refined as Malkin, I'll say it) is bad enough to cause crooked-as-a-dogs-hind-leg FEINSTEIN to say things like this, then it is truly, monumentally, burn-down-the-building-with-them-inside BAD. Which makes the betrayal by the RINOs even worse than usual. Makes you wonder what Reid & Obama are promising them for this, doesn't it?

Oh, wait; it appears what bothers Feinstein the most is tax cuts. Well, hell, I don't think she's ever seen a tax cut for people who actually pay taxes that she liked, so that explains it.

Bah. The miserable bastards deserve to be horsewhipped in the town square. And at least some of them turned into dangling fruit.

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