Thursday, February 05, 2009

It seems to be raining a bit in Australia,

and it's bringing some visitors to town:
The deluge has also affected wildlife, washing crocodiles and snakes out their natural habitat and on to the streets.

Locals, already grappling with road closures, evacuations and food shortages, have been warned to watch out for rogue reptiles after one displaced crocodile, measuring more than 5ft, was reportedly hit by a car in Townsville. The animal survived the collision, suffering a few lost teeth and bruising.

Three separate reports said large crocodiles had been washed out of flooded rivers near the small cattle town of Normanton, further hampering rescue efforts, although emergency service volunteers have said they are prepared to encounter the odd "saltie".

Donna Smith, manager of the town's Albion Hotel, said a four-metre crocodile had been seen stalking residents and dogs in the flooded main street

Four meters, a little over 13 feet. That's a damn big lizard to have roaming around inspecting the buffet. However, the people have their priorities straight:
She also issued the grave warning that the town was expected to run out of beer in two days.

"We can put up with a lot of drama, no fruit and veggies, but nobody wants a pub with no beer," Ms Smith told Brisbane's Courier-Mail newspaper
Priorities: got to have 'em.

From the sound of it, some really nasty flooding. And, as virtually required by news anymore, they warn Meteorologists have warned the extreme temperatures and heavy downpours would only increase as a result of climate change.
Yeah. The same people who, I believe, were saying a while back that drought due to globular warmering was going to cause everyone to die of thirst. I just expressed my opinion, but I doubt they can hear it down there, and they'd blame it on 'climate change' anyway.

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