Thursday, February 05, 2009

I don't know if President The Obama took lessons from the Goreacle,

but they've both turned into Johnny One-Note singers: "Do what I want, or we're all doomed!" Goreacle is giving speeches telling kids not to listen to what their parents say because "You know more on some things than they do"(as I recall, one of the warning signs of a cult: being told not to listen to family or friends who disagree or are worried about what you're doing); President Lightbringer One-Note is running around giving speeches that "If we don't pass this 'stimulus' bill NOW, the country may NEVER recover!". Translation: "Congress, don't listen to the doubters, and PLEASE don't listen to the people back home calling you and saying "NO!"; I won the job interview, so DO WHAT I WANT! NOW!"

Some old legislator the other day said "You know, whenever someone said "This has to be passed right away", I knew it had things in it they didn't want you to know about until it was too late." Which is exactly what's going on.

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