Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Well, at least two of the guilty parties in OH are known

in the improper(to say the least) looking for dirt on Joe the Plumber.
[DSS] Director Helen Jones-Kelley said that after a “team meeting,” she OK’d the check because the department often runs inquiries to check for unpaid child support when people are thrust into “the public spotlight.”…
If the governor of OH actually gave a crap about honor, or about the integrity of the system, he'd ask for her resignation. And if he didn't get it, fire her(I'd prefer just fire her) for misuse of the system. Instead,
Democrat Gov. Ted Strickland is satisfied that there are no political overtures to the check on Wurzelbacher, a spokesman said. “Based on what we know to this point, we don’t have any reason to believe the information was improperly accessed or disclosed by a state employee,” said Keith Dailey, Strickland’s press secretary.
Translation: "Hey, she's a Democrat and was helping The Obama, so I'm not going to bother her." This man is a liar and a dirtbag, proven by his own words. There's no damned way this was not politically motivated, and it damn well was an 'improper access and disclosure' of this information. And he knows it.

The second?
Toledo Police have confirmed that a TPD records clerk is accused of performing an illegal search of information related to 'Joe the Plumber.'

Julie McConnell, has been charged with Gross Misconduct for allegedly making an improper inquiry into a state database in search of information pertaining to Samuel Wurzelbacher on Oct. 16
And why did she do this? She was doing a favor for a reporter.
Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner admitted yesterday that a member of the media made the request of the Toledo Police Department for Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher's records, NewsTalk 1370 WSPD is reporting. The comments were made in response to questions during an unrelated press conference.

What I'm wondering is if any of the people involved in this had him run NCIC and/or III. If they did, that's not just a state problem, it's a violation of federal regulation and law. Which the FBI should get involved in. Any bets as to whether that'll happen?

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