Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And if anybody actually believes the Obamessiah & Co.

only want to raise taxes on 'the rich', you're either deluded or a moron:
Obama, after all, has been promising a tax cut for the "middle class" - those making $200,000 a year or less.

Biden yesterday lowered that bar.

"What we're saying," he told a Pennsylvania TV interviewer, "is that [our] tax break doesn't need to go to people making . . . $1.4 million. It should go to [people] making under $150,000 a year."

Oops. That's a 25 percent downward redefinition of "middle class."

An Obama mouthpiece quickly dismissed the discrepancy as just another one of Joe the Senator's gaffes.

But consider: The campaign has a new TV commercial out declaring that families - not individuals - earning $200,000 or less would qualify for a tax cut. Two incomes - not one.

And, as most middle-class wage-earners know, that's a huge difference
Yes, it is.

I make considerably less than the lowest number Obama & Biden have mentioned so far. The Bush tax cuts nevertheless got me a break. Which will go away if an Obama administration refuses to renew/make permanent the cuts. Which means Barack I Need Your Money More Than You Do Obama can raise my taxes by letting them expire, and then claim "No, I didn't raise your taxes!"


Oh, and let us note another slight problem connected with the Pork, Bribes & Payoffs Bailout Bill:
Gov. Paterson grimly declared yesterday that New York faces a historically unprecedented four-year, $47 billion budget deficit, $20 billion higher than projected just three months ago - and will need some form of federal bailout.

"In order to address these issues, as New York is really the epicenter of the national crisis of finance, we're going to need federal assistance," said Paterson , as he presented a six-month report on the state's current budget

Because we're all just DYING to have our pockets picked some more because the NY government is too stupid and corrupt to deal with their budget.

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