Monday, August 04, 2008

The the moron in the black hummer going north on May

Avenue the other day: If you look to your left, you will see what appears to be a lane with yellow lines on each side, and there are arrows pointing to the left painted at intervals; intervals which, amazingly, coincide with places where the curbs are open to allow access to parking lots.

You see, you are supposed to move over into these appropriately-named ‘left-turn lanes’ BEFORE you stop to wait for oncoming traffic to pass before you turn left. That way you do not BLOCK A WHOLE LANE OF TRAFFIC, you moron.

The other day I wrote on that marvelous little bit of truth-telling by the socialists infesting- and often running- the ‘Green’ movement that they don’t want people to become more wealthy, and they really don’t like the idea of people actually getting sources of abundant energy. I think it was Paul Erlich, that “We must act NOW!” dumbass who’s been wrong on every apocalypse he’s predicted, who said something like “Giving people a source of cheap, abundant energy would be like giving a machinegun to a monkey”; they keep insisting we wait on ‘clean alternative energy sources’ because they don’t WANT us to find clean, abundant energy; they want us to keep waiting for the PFM to happen, and they’d prefer we wait forever. After all, they want to keep people in third world countries living in mud and dung huts, spending hours each day finding wood or charcoal to cook with; why would they want us to keep using air conditioners and heaters and computers and all those other conveniences so many of them seem to think we’d be better off without? They tell us they think so; they do it by posting on websites. Which means they’re using electricity and computers and data circuits*, which seems a bit wrong for them, but hey, they’re trying to save us from ourselves so I guess they demanddeserve some slack.

Also, the ‘more equitable distribution of wealth’ garbage demonstrates that it really is true: the Green movement really is the current home of the Communist Party. The Greens truly are watermelons: green on the outside, red to the core.

Gun show this weekend, and I passed up a very good price on a .351 Winchester rifle. Nice piece, but I just did not want to add one more cartridge into the mix. Factory ammo would be a bit expensive, and adding more dies and brass and bullets to the reloading stuff… barring finding something unique or wonderfully interesting, not gonna do it. I’ve also decided that the one thing I’m still going to plan on buying- assuming I can find one I can afford- is a S&W Model 57 with a 6” barrel. THAT I’d happily add to the mess for.**

Looking at the comments on my post about SWAT teams seeming to make a special point of killing dogs, it strikes me just how much those four-legs affect people. The general responses cover two categories:
1. “I can’t believe they do that! It’s terrible! How CAN they do that?”
2. “Sonsabitches shoot my dog, they’d better watch their back.”
I think this would have to count as one of those lines Kevin speaks of, that are crossed only at peril. And I guarantee, somebody finds the SWAT weenie that killed their dog and either beats the crap out of him or kills him, there’ll be an awful lot of people cheering them. Which is sad on two points: that someone can be pushed to the point that they’ll see the life of a human as fair price for killing their dog, and that some people will deliberately push others to that point.

I’ll add to that last: in some cases, at least I think they must be deliberately pushing it. Take the case in the post: a couple of labs, not exactly attack dogs; one shot as they came in, so you can make the argument that it was being aggressive to protect his pack, but the other was running away, trying to hide. In this culture, it takes a certain kind of person to deliberately follow and kill a dog that’s not a threat. They’ve either got orders to kill the dog and don’t question them, or they’ve turned off all empathy for both the dog and the people.

If you’ve got that kind of mindset added to people who’ll run a no-knock raid without bothering to make sure they’ve got the right people and the right place and a real reason for it, that’s a formula for some of the abuses that’ve been documented. And one of these days that’s going to blow up completely. There’s going to be a raid on a bum tip, or the informant had a grudge against someone, or the wrong damn address and there’s going to be several of a family killed. Or someone, after they’re told “Yes, they smashed your doors in and terrified and threatened your family and killed the dog in front of the kids, but they were following procedure so screw you, stop causing us problems”, decided that since the system won’t do anything, he or she will. And it will get real, real ugly.

And no, I’m not looking forward to it. Not in any way.

Back to the gun show, it’d probably drive the politically correct types even more nuts to see blacks and whites and orientals and indians all roaming around saying the same things:
“What’ve you got there?”
“Haven’t seen one of those in a while.”
“How much?” or “What are you asking?” and, in many cases
“Honey, look at this one” and/or
“No, no, you’re not old enough yet.”

*Of course, the Superior Beings taking care of making sure we don’t have any of those nasty corrupting tech things will have to have them; after all, how can they keep their boot on our neckssave the peasants if they can’t properly controlmonitor them?

**I would, of course, consider an H&H double in .470 reason to add to the mix also; but the chances of my being able to afford that are, let us say, extremely low. Hell, if someone gave me one I don’t know if I could afford to buy much brass for the thing.
And yeas, there might be an exception for a very “OOOOH, Shiny!” moment.

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