Monday, August 04, 2008

At this point, I think there ought to be an open season on

animal rights weenies:
SANTA CRUZ -- Firebombs were intentionally set on a porch and in a car belonging to two UC Santa Cruz researchers in separate incidents early Saturday in what police have classified as acts of domestic terrorism.

Police are calling one of the bombings an attempted homicide
And why attempted homicide?
In one incident, a faculty member's home on Village Circle off High Street was intentionally firebombed at about 5:40 a.m., according to police. The residence belongs to a well-known UCSC molecular biologist who works with mice. He was one of 13 researchers listed in threatening animal rights pamphlets found Tuesday in a downtown coffee shop.
The family was home at the time of the firebombing and the victims, including two young children, escaped on a fire ladder from a second-story window, according to police. One family member suffered injuries during the escape and had to be hospitalized briefly, police said. That bombing is being considered an attempted homicide because the family was home, police said
That's why.

This isn't the first time these freaks have deliberately tried to kill people. And it won't be the last, and sooner or later they'll manage to kill some of the nasty humans who don't share their views. And with crap like this, they'll probably manage to kill some kids when they do.

In February, masked demonstrators rattled the front door of another UCSC researcher, whose husband chased the intruders away while the researcher protected her children in the back of the Westside home.
'Chasing away' should not be the aim anymore; 'shot while breaking into home' should.
Clark would not say what kind of bombs were used on Saturday, but said this isn't the first time Santa Cruz police have seen them.

"It's consistent with what animal rights people use," Clark said. Police officers described the firebombs as "significantly larger than a Molotov cocktail."

Last year, arsonists filled a milk jug with flammable liquid, inserted a wick on the top and placed it under a police car. In that case, the wick was lit but went out before the bomb blew up
Yup, just fun-loving, "We care!" people.

And(of course) the answer, according to some politicians, is another law:
Assemblyman Gene Mullin, D-South San Francisco, who has been championing legislation to increase civil and criminal penalties in cases where academic researchers are attacked because of their work, said Saturday that he was saddened and surprised by dual firebombings.

But, he added, violence against researchers has been on the rise and while condemning the acts, predicted Saturday's firebombings likely would prompt legislators to move on the bill
You don't need a new law, dammit, there are already laws on arson and threats and attempted murder; just use those. And put these clowns in prison for a long damn time.

Added: more here

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