Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Some things have different effects when you're tired

Or sleep deprived. Breda had a rude awakening from the storm siren. Which, waking you from a sound sleep, can be a bit disturbing.

Few years back had some storms come through that caused a series of small twisters to hopscotch through town. I'd worked 0100-0900, and on the first day back it went like this:
Wake up usual time, around 7-8(no matter what I tried).
Spend day up & around.
Try to take a nap- usually unsuccessfully- before work.
Since I can't sleep during the day, stay up till 3-4, then go to bed.
So I'd been up from Wednesday morning until almost 4 Thursday afternoon. I'd been asleep for about two hours when the phone rang, mom calling: "There are tornadoes not far from you, is everything ok?" I actually looked up, then said "The ceiling's still there, so yes."

For some reason that was not reassuring to her, so I promised to turn on the weather- which was doing the expected squealing- for a minute and heard they were all north of me, so I looked out the back window. The dogs absolutely hated severe storms, and hid if anything was coming; they were in the back yard playing. So I went back to bed.

Thus ends my storm story.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    AAAAHHHHH, yes....leave it to Mom. My Mother is the same way. She is terrified of storms and I guess she thinks I should be too. She'll wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me of a storm that is heading for me or ANYWHERE around me.

  2. Anonymous11:35 PM

    When I was a sprog of some 5 or 6 summers we lived in the "town" of Igloo, SD. Next door to us lived Mr. and Mrs La Plante. Mr. L. was a full blood Potawotamie, Mrs. L, a full blood Sioux. In that part of the plains there was lightning and thunder most evenings from early Spring to late Fall. Mr. La Plante would take a kitchen chair onto the back porch after supper to watch the show, as the lightning caused such static that listening to the radio was futile. Half the kids in town, all six of us, would come over to hear his stories, and wait for the "Thunder People" to come for their daily visit. After the lightning and thunder which were, after all, merely the sparks and noise from the hooves of the Thunder Peoples' horses striking the rocks, I would sit on the porch with Mr. La Plante and enjoy the scent of his pipe and the sweetgrass blowing in from the prairie. To this day, a lightning storm is a delight to me, much as is a visit from a much loved relative. My wife, on the other hand is terrified of most any storm.

    Gerry N.

  3. Fire, she's not bad about regular storms; but if there's severe stuff moving into my area, she's likely to call.

    Damn, Gerry, that's a memory to hold on to.
