Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Since I've been noting a lot of law enforcement BS

over the last few days*, let's now look at the way the NY authorities seem to be acting like political operatives in the Spitzer case:
More than 8,500 pages of Dirty Tricks Scandal documents released yesterday by the Albany district attorney reveal kid-gloves treatment for then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer and little interest in aggressively pursuing criminal charges against any of his aides.

The documents, forced into the open by Freedom of Information requests filed by The Post and other news organizations, confirm earlier reports that Albany DA David Soares was reluctant to probe the explosive plot in which Spitzer's top aides used the State Police to gather purportedly damaging information against then-Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno (R-Rensselaer.)
The tone of the interview was also sympathetic and unquestioning, as when Spitzer was asked, "Did you ever direct any type of surveillance by anyone on Senator Bruno?"

Spitzer responded, "Absolutely not," and there was no follow-up questioning.

But Darren Dopp, Spitzer's communications director, has repeatedly insisted, both publicly and in sworn testimony to the state Public Integrity Commission, that Spitzer was aware that his own top aides were using the State Police to orchestrate a campaign against Bruno.

That Spitzer was allowed to get away with a lot of the crap he pulled before this was bad enough; that he's gotten the kind of treatment he has by the 'authorites' in this disgusting matter is flat horrible. And the people involved ought to be kicked the hell out of their offices.

*Spent a lot of time indoors the last few days; it's been damn hot, and humid enough to make it more miserable.

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