Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Over at Uncle's place, he pointed to

this. You really need to read it.
Your message has been received loud and clear--along with your warning that you will not hesitate to come down and arrest anyone you suspect of violating this law. Before I give you my reply, I want to make it clear that my response is mine alone. Any retaliation is mine to face, and taking it out on the man who passed your message along at your direction will not be something you can now do outside of a brightly focused light.
I've also speculated that comments that may be perceived as threatening are invariably posted anonymously, and that trolls doing it could very well be
agents provocateur attempting to bring discredit or worse to my site. Heck, they might even work for the DoJ--it's not like you guys don't hang out here at all hours.

But you apparently need to establish a plausible cover story. Let's see--the same mighty BATFU that sends armed invaders smashing into people's homes and businesses is just scared out of their jackboots over what's being said about them on... blogs, so they need to enlist a protector, that would be you, against "Homegrown terrorists". That would be people like me?
I've generally had a good opinion of the U.S. Marshall's Service; crap like this is cutting away at that.

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