Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In case you're interested in the Spitter situation

beyond "The arrogant bastard is getting some of what he deserves", here's a few things:

Ace has an interesting bit from a somewhat-famous madam:
"It's so easy not to not get caught," reformed Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss tells Radar, adding that she provided service to many a well known politician her day. "I saw many famous people—more famous than Eliot Spitzer—and you know what, you pay people right, you treat them right, you don't have a problem." The devil, she says, was in Spitzer's particular freak, which left the gals who are alleged to have serviced him describing the governor as "difficult," with demands that involved "things that, like, you might not think were safe."
and, as a side issue, some happenings in Detroit that do not make either the mayor or family or the police department look good:
When the mayor's wife, Carlita Kilpatrick, unexpectedly arrived at the mansion, she saw her husband and the strippers, according to the officer who reported about the party, Harold Nelthrope.

Nelthrope, who was not at the alleged event but learned about it the following day, "further stated that a fight ensued between Ms. Kilpatrick and a dancer and that the dancer received injuries requiring medical attention." Nelthrope does not say who told him about the alleged events.

The dancer -- believed to be Greene -- was taken to a hospital, " ... and the Executive Protection Unit confiscated all activity log sheets (from the police precinct that responded)," Nelthrope said.

And yet more from ace on Spitter here.

And Kim linked to this piece, which includes the following:
Given Spitzer's unfathomable stupidity -- and in light of the fact that he is now the victim of the kinds of overreaching police state tactics that he himself has endlessly championed and utilized -- this can only be regarded as an instance of an especially objectionable, arrogant, overweening, power-mad, vicious son of a bitch himself getting exactly what he has been delightedly happy to dish out to others.

Besides his general "I sit at Gods' right hand and give ordersadvice" attitude, he is also, as I recall, very big on the 'disarm the peasants!' bandwagon. Which makes it even more fun. Though what this is doing to his family is horrendous to think on.

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