Saturday, March 15, 2008

Obama is, from the sound of it, playing word games

in the finest tradition of Clinton to try to both 'distance' or 'disconnect' himself from his idiot pastor's comments without actually saying bad things about him. You know, like maybe "My pastor has been saying some stupid things, blaming America for all ills in the world not caused by Israel. And I say flatly I disagree with those things, and I'm ashamed my pastor has said them." Which the media and Democrats would be demanding as the bare minimum(before boiling him in oil) for any Republican or conservative who was found to have been listening to this crap for years.
Q: What about this particular statement?
A: Obviously, I disagree with that. Here is what happens when you just cherry-pick statements from a guy who had a 40-year career as a pastor. There are times when people say things that are just wrong. But I think it's important to judge me on what I've said in the past and what I believe.
'Cherry-picking' my ass: the man has been saying these things for years, with Obama & Family sitting in the pews. And since he's attended regularly for a couple of decades, there's no damned way he could not be familiar with this garbage his spiritual leader has been spouting. And as for the people claiming "This is no big deal" and "This is distracting from important matters", I think Ace covers it nicely:
Excuse me, and I don't mean this to be offensive to any of you fine gentlemen in the least, but when you smoked so much tainted rock as to fall into a crack-and-Comet coma and awoke with light to moderate mental retardation and also strange bruises resembling alien sex-probes all over your body for which you can simply not account, did a strange man in black walk into your hospital room and beat you back to stupid with a moron-bat and/or brain-fuck you with the crazy-stick?
This man wants to be the President of the United States; commander of the entire Armed Forces and all, and you people don't think these attitudes matter? If you actually mean that, then the phrase 'useful idiots' definitely has a new group to cover.

As a side point, over at Classical Values he thinks the timing of this coming out, and the way it's being played, may well be bad for McCain in the long run, and quite possibly the Clintons have a hand in it.

If you want to check this out in more depth(recommended), go to Powerline and scroll down, they've got a bunch of posts on this. So does Ace. Right now I seem to be fighting one of the current forms of plague running around(probably invented by the CIA) so you'll have to run through them for yourself.

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