Saturday, March 15, 2008

I've just got to take note of this post on Obama

that Insty pointed to, The Obama I know. It comes awful close to the kind of thing Ace(I believe) calls a tongue bath: He is wise, He is tolerant, He loves all, He appeals to all and so on. Including this bit:
In short, Obama's approach is insistently charitable. He assumes decency and good faith on the part of those who disagree with him. And he wants to hear what they have to say. Both in substance and in tone, Obama questions the conventional political distinctions between "the left" and "the right." To the extent that he is attracting support from Republicans and independents, it is largely for this reason.
Kind of interesting to contrast this with his 20-year attendance on a white-hating, America-hating pastor, isn't it?

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