Sunday, November 25, 2007

Reason #whatever not to vote for Romney

Last week he was on Glenn Beck's show, and one of the questions was about that horrible 'health care' scheme he signed just before leaving office. He went on & on about it being 'a proper free-market solution' to health-care problems. Bullshit. As evidenced by this note at Wizbang:
This program was touted as the way to save money for everybody (well, except for those greedy doctors and insurance companies), and was to be a model for a national plan.

Well, guess what? It turns out to be costing a lot more than the backers predicted -- about $150 million more. (To mention that this is precisely what the detractors predicted is, of course, utterly irrelevant and borderline seditious in the Free People's Democratic Republic of Massachusetts.)

So, what's the Globe's solution? Any of you not saying "raise taxes!," stay after class for detention.
And so forth. They also take note of another murder turned loose for 'good behavior' and subsequently murdering again. In a state where, if you have a gun for protection from such life forms but don't have proper state permission, you go to jail. As Bruce put it when he lived in that state, "Live Free or DieHere" seems to be the state motto.

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