Sunday, November 25, 2007

May I invite the Archbishop of Canterbury

to kiss my ass?
THE Archbishop of Canterbury has said that the United States wields its power in a way that is worse than Britain during its imperial heyday.

Rowan Williams claimed that America’s attempt to intervene overseas by “clearing the decks” with a “quick burst of violent action” had led to “the worst of all worlds”.

In a wide-ranging interview with a British Muslim magazine, the Anglican leader linked criticism of the United States to one of his most pessimistic declarations about the state of western civilisation.

I'd suggest you read the whole thing, just to get the full flavor of his disdain for us. I will note a couple of things:
He urged it to launch a “generous and intelligent programme of aid directed to the societies that have been ravaged; a check on the economic exploitation of defeated territories; a demilitarisation of their presence”.

Well, let's see, you mean like helping the Afghans and Iraqis rebuild their nations, after stomping the people who were dominating and murdering them, you pompous twit? And what 'economic exploitation'? If we were 'exploiting' the Iraqis, we'd be shipping their oil over here at about $45/barrel. And it is our aim to 'demilitarize' them of our armed presence as soon as possible. So, I repeat, kiss my ass.

And of COURSE we're worse by far than those slightly troublesome moslem countries:
In the interview in Emel, a Muslim lifestyle magazine, Williams makes only mild criticisms of the Islamic world. He said the Muslim world must acknowledge that its “political solutions were not the most impressive”.

He commends the Muslim practice of praying five times a day, which he says allows the remembrance of God to be “built in deeply in their daily rhythm”.
I guess by their 'daily rhythm" he means things like this:
A woman in Saudi Arabia sentenced to six months in jail and 200 lashes despite being gang raped has confessed to adultery, the justice ministry said as it tried to fend off mounting criticism. So very Godlike of them, isn't it?

Arrogant, pompous, accomodationist fool.

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